Another Brazil, the lawsuits against Lula quashed | …


Lula back. The Brazilian Federal Supreme Court has quashed all cases against Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who has thus regained the political rights he lost due to Lava Jato’s shrewd convictions and could face Jair Bolsonaro in next year’s elections. Supreme Court judge Luiz Edson Fachin overturned the sentences handed down against the former president because they did not correspond to the justification of Lava Jato in room 13 of the Federal Court of First Instance in Curitiba, which was the stronghold of former judge Sergio Moro. The cases will now be handled by the Federal Justice of Brasilia. The sentences marred by political intentions and lacking in coherent evidence, for which the leader of the Workers’ Party (PT) had to serve 580 days in an isolation cell on the fourth floor of the Federal Police Superintendency in Curitiba, between April 2018 and March 2019.

“We calmly receive the decision of Minister Fachin who accepted the habeas corpus that we presented in November 2020”, said defense lawyer Cristiano Zanin Martins in a note.

It is not excluded that Fachin’s decision will be the subject of an appeal by the office of the Attorney General, subject to the will of Jair Bolsonaro, and raised to the supreme plenary composed of eleven members, divided into two wings: the lavajatistas and the antilavajatistas. Or, if you prefer, supporters and opponents of the law and Sergio Moro.

Fachin, considered a Lavajatist judge, surprised politicians and magistrates with this decision which, like almost all those of the STF, is inspired by more political than judicial reasons.

The point is that with the recovery of his rights, the PT boss won the most important victory after five years of fierce battle against Lawfare in which he always claimed to be innocent. And he even waived invitations to leave the country or take refuge in an embassy.

Despite his years in prison and having been silenced by mainstream journalistic firms, he retains resilient popularity, as shown in a poll published Sunday in the conservative O Estado newspaper where his voice potential is around fifty percent, against 38 from Bolsonaro. percent for the presidential elections of 2022.

With Lula on the ground, there is no other stronger candidate to defeat the Bolonarian regime among the democratic and popular forces. It is premature to say that he will be a candidate for the sixth time (he was in 1989, 1994, 1998, 2002 and 2006). But there is no doubt that this decision of the STF strengthens him either as a presidential candidate, or as a guarantor of a candidate of the PT or of a possible electoral front.

The leader of the PT, Gleisi Hoffmann, argued that “the cancellation of sentences responds to a demand for justice from Brazilian society and the international community, from the struggle of our activism and from those who believed in the innocence of Lula (..) despite the atrocities committed by Moro “.


Shortly after news broke of Lula’s restoration of political rights, President Bolsonaro accused Judge Fachin of maintaining “close ties to the PT” and resumed part of his 2018 proselytizing speech, assuring that the “people” did not want a left government again.

It is a remanufactured discourse, which succeeded when antipetism was at its peak, but of questionable effectiveness in these times when the public is seeing firsthand the adventures of this military-civic government.

Lula’s return to the ring means a setback for the army whose pressure, through its former commander, General Eduardo Villas Boas, prompted the PT leader to be banned three years ago.

A military minister told CNN Brazil on Monday evening, concealing his identity, that the PT’s return to power “would not be good for the country”.

The market was also not happy with the return of the former mechanic, disappointment expressed by the sharp drop of 3.9% of the São Paulo Stock Exchange and a rise of 1.6% of the dollar. It should be noted that the stock market was already operating down from the early hours of the afternoon and that it will be necessary to wait for the next few days to better gauge its behavior in the face of the new political scenario.


Founded in 2014, the Lava Jato cause has formed a coalition of united conservative camp forces in an effort to end the cycle of PT governments.

Moro’s maneuvers, amplified by Globo Multimedia, contributed to intoxicating the political environment and popular mood, leading to the coup that overthrew Dilma Rousseff in May 2016.

This attempt was only the first step in a larger plan: the ultimate goal of which was to prevent Lula’s candidacy in 2018 and possible third term of Lula, dealt with on the basis of inconsistent evidence, testimonies of repentants who were forced and articulated maneuvers with the lawyers of Curitiba. .

This illicit association, known as the “Curitiba Task Force”, was laid bare in July 2019 when The Intercept site began posting transcripts and audios of Moro’s conversations with chief prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol. There is no doubt that every move was aimed at keeping the politician in prison and out of the Planalto race. Finally Bolsonaro was elected thanks to abnormal elections, an operation that was the continuation of the 2016 coup or a coup itself. Moro paid a fair price for his role in the plot, being appointed by Bolsonaro as Minister of Justice and Security.


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