Another chinito loaded his "pistolita" of 29 pellets: he was hospitalized | Chronic


Li, aged 13, had to be hospitalized urgently at the Xi'an hospital located in northwestern China. Her parents found how difficult it was for the teen to walk because of intense abdominal pain. In this way, he revealed to them what he had hidden for three months out of shame: he had put 29 metal balls in his penis.

X-ray showing bullets inside Li's body. (Courtesy: AsiaWire)

"About three months ago, while the child was playing with magnetic bullets, he lined them up and inserted them into his urethra out of curiosity."said the urologist Zhang Yanyanwho cared for the baby. He also said: "He felt uncomfortable and tried to make them stand out, the magnets separated and some remained inside. ".

The 29 bullets formed a group in the teenager's bladder. (Courtesy: AsiaWire)

The unusual accident began when the child, by mere "curiosity", placed 29 magnetic balls in his bads, through the small hole. As a result, he began to suffer severe pain in the abdominal area, but did not want to reveal what had happened to his parents.

I also read: Nene loaded her "pistolita" with 70 lozenges and found herself in the operating room

The magnetic beads had to be removed from the adolescent bladder. (Courtesy: AsiaWire)

However, the suffering has become unbearable and he has no choice but to tell what happened. He was quickly transferred to the hospital on May 11. X-rays revealed that the metal elements had formed a narrow group under his bladder, which meant he had to be operated on.

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Dr. Zhou Yanyan said the kid was curious about his body. (Courtesy: AsiaWire)

Surprisingly, this is not the first time that these cases are known, "children of childbearing age are curious about their bodies, they need advice and education from their parents," said the doctor who treated Li.

The magnetic balls with which he played. (Courtesy: AsiaWire)


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