A new country in South America has approved the use of the Pfizer vaccine. It is Ecuador, which the Ministry of Health announced that the use of Pfizer and BioNtech against the coronavirus in this country. According to a statement, the first doses will arrive in the country in mid-January. .
Through a “public-private alliance”, the vaccine will be administered to 60% of the population, according to the press release released last night and quoted by the local press and the international network CNN.
At the same time, the newspaper El Comercio published that “the first 50,000 doses that will arrive in the country will be applied in phase zero to front-line staff and seniors in geriatric centers and their workers”.
<< Dans la première phase, avec les doses suivantes qui arriveront en mars, le personnel de santé qui n'a pas été vacciné lors de la phase précédente, les forces de l'ordre et les pompiers, le personnel chargé de la collecte des déchets, les secteurs stratégiques et les groupes vulnérables seront vaccinés >>, added the official report.
In this way Ecuador Chile joins the list of South American countries to approve the antidote, which has already been applied to patients in the United States since last Monday.
Until Ecuador It has at least 203,461 confirmed cases of the coronavirus. While the toll is 9,373 confirmed deaths and 4,542 probable deaths.
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