Another demonstration in favor of Ramos Padilla | Before …


Faced with the imminent decision of the Federal Chamber of Mar del Plata to file the case of illegal espionage brought to the courts of Dolores, which has steadily grown since the explosion in February last extortion charge that the businessman Patricio Etchebest has new demonstration to support the judge Alejo Ramos Padilla who, for the moment, keeps control of the case. The call to demonstrate in "the whole country" next Thursday.

As in last March, the call was born via social networks, under the umbrella of the group "Mbadive support to Judge Ramos Padilla", formed several weeks after the investigation of the network. Illegal espionage involving intelligence agents, judicial officials, politicians and journalists and before the first attempts of some involved parties to refer the case to the courts of Comodoro Py.

On this occasion, the motive of the demonstration called "Enough of impunity" and "Independent Justice" on Thursday 19 at 19 hours "throughout the country" is linked to the imminent resolution of the Federal Chamber of Mar del Plata on The skill of Ramos Padilla in the folder.

Through the networks, the call grows in the heat of the hashtags #ConfirmenARamosPadilla, #yoApoyoARamosPadilla and #LaCausaSeQuedaEnDolores. Last March, the demonstration supporting the judge took place on the same day that he appeared before the Bicameral Intelligence Committee and met, only in the city of Buenos Aires, thousands of people in front of the courthouse .

As expected since the end of last week, the uprising would dismantle Dolores' case leaving the federal judge of that city only the case of extortion from businessman Pedro Etchebest and would send the rest of the file to other jurisdictions.

Many would stay, even in Comodoro Py, as requested by the federal prosecutor Carlos Stornelli, one of the suspects to participate in the illegal network. In fact, Stornelli did not appear at any of the summonses to the investigation statement that Ramos Padilla had given him and remained in absentia for more than a month.

In this regard, the prosecutor of the chamber, Juan Manuel Pettigiani, ruled last Thursday. The House should resolve the matter by the end of the week or next week, after badyzing the opinions of the stakeholders in the mega file, which are several.


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