Another driver’s car crashed and left a confusing message on the windshield that went viral | the Chronicle


When a collision occurs on the street with a car that is parked without a driver, many times the person who caused the impact leaves their insurance information on the windshield of the vehicle in order to perform the repair.

In this case, a driver struck a car and left a note on the windshield, but with a particular message. Is that, feel “observed” For many people, he pretended to leave his contact details, but handed her a provocative and daring letter.

“Hello, I just crashed into your car and I’m pretending I’m typing my data because people are looking at me. Hope you can fix it. FortunateThe driver wrote. According to the viral photo, he also added a happy face.

The image went viral on Twitter. It was shared by the user @martincitolucca May 30 with description “Having insurance is cheto.”

The hilarious post generated a great impact among the users. Some capitalized on the author’s humor, but others questioned that it was not a situation to be taken that way and argued that the stranger did not want to be responsible for his actions. Currently, the cliché is already circulating on various social networks.

Nene scratched a car with her bike and left a surprising note that went viral on Twitter

A 7-year-old boy scratched a car while falling with his bicycle on the vehicle, while walking through the streets of Curitiva, Brazil, and left the owner a note apologizing for damaging the paint.

“Hello, I hit your car. I fell off my bike. This is my dad’s phone.” The note said he was gone on the windshield.

Later, the Twitter user This triggers, identified as the owner of the car, viralized the baby’s rating on social media as it gave him a lot of affection and expressed in the tweet that “it’s impossible to get mad at this boy“that he had scratched his car, after the gesture he made.


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