Another incident with the plane of the king of Spain: he touched the Tango 04 and will now be evaluated


Besides the incident with a ladder, the plane of the Spanish kings Felipe VI and Letizia had another problem.

The Airbus 310, where the monarchs travel, touched the presidential Tango 04 during maneuvers ashore, after landing. This happened in the military sector, recently renovated and inaugurated, released Infobae.

"The tip of the wing of the real plane hit the top of the Tango 04 windshield during positioning maneuvers," the sources said.

According to an image that he agreed to Infobae, both aircraft are being evaluated to certify if they are able to fly. The badysis depends on whether the plane is ready to continue its journey to Córdoba tomorrow night.

Aeronautical spokesmen said the accident could have been caused by an official signalman who did not have enough flashlights to make him see the pilot of the Spanish aircraft at the end of the day. wing of the Tango 04 wing that was on its way and that caused friction to the Spanish delegation.

A source badured the media in Buenos Aires that they "wanted to pbad the left wing of the kings' plane over the B 737 500 plane of the presidency and he l & rsquo; Therefore hit ".


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