Another letter from Brazil – 21/03/2019


For the moment, there will be no routine retirement for Michel Temer if there was one. The former president, 78 years old, He is in prison He was arrested in the street, a few steps from his residence in the luxurious Pinheiros district of San Pablo, and immediately drove to the Rio police headquarters, where protesters They received it at the cry of "thief, thief".

They accuse him of "Lead an organization that has received bribes". This seems very familiar to us. Now, Lula and Temer are imprisoned to enter the cell. And with them more than a hundred politicians and reputable businessmen. They total 2,000 years in prison. The message: Justice sends. Nobody feels safe.

They say that Temer not less than $ 510 million allocated, as it no longer attracts, to public works: the Angra 3 nuclear power plant in Rio. The case is known as Radioatividade and is a direct relative of Lava Jato: the judge accuses cartellization, money laundering and blocked offers.

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The revelations about corruption in Brazil are repeated as here. This Thursday, it was time to get acquainted with the complete confession of Manzanares, the accountant of Kirchner, that Bonadio accepted as repentant. He said of everything, as When Kirchner died, the main concern was where Secretary Muñoz had the keys and where he kept the bags.

Nobody feels safe, including Moreira Franco, Minister of Aviation Dilma and Mines and Energy Temer and Governor of Rio. They call him the angora cat less for white hair than to jump from match to match. He is one of the leaders of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB) of the former president. From ten prisoners in the same day There is also retired Colonel Joao Baptista Lima, accused of corruption for Temer.

Michel Temer gets into a car after being arrested for corruption in San Pablo this Thursday. AFP

Michel Temer gets into a car after being arrested for corruption in San Pablo this Thursday. AFP

It is not Judge Moro, currently Minister of Justice, who dictated the prisons, but Marcelo Bretas, who is called Sergio Moro de Río. Bretas called Temer at the head of an illicit badociation. Moreover, any resemblance to what is happening in Argentina is not pure coincidence.

The arrest of Temer was part of the calculations of those who voted overwhelmingly Bolsonaro for disgust of corruption. And it was in the calculations of Temer himself, who had warned his family that he could be arrested if he lost his privileges. In addition to the president, Temer has been three times number one of the deputies, chief of security and prosecutors of San Pablo.

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The prisoner of fear gives Lava Jato his ability to crush the parties, trapped in corrupt practices. Prisoner of Lula, Fernando Henrique Cardoso's group discredited and perhaps the beginning of the funeral of the traditional BMD. The stain is so great that the court has tried to stop the wave and referred to federal judges the causes of corruption in the financing of the policy to transmit them to the electoral justice. Federal judge Bretas found a shortcut to avoid it: he sent Temer and his company to prison for a criminal offense.

For Bolsonaro, who by dint of scandals and extravagances Lost 15 image points since taking office in January, the fall of Temer you can favor him by his anti-corruption crusade. But it can also complicate things: it needs Parliament's approval of the pension reform, its most ambitious initiative and which it considers essential for economic recovery. Vice President Mourao recognized him; He said that it was very bad for the country and that This will generate a lot of noise in Congress.


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