Another low for Trump: the official who defended the separation of children at the border


Kirstjen Nielsen, now former Secretary of Homeland Security, was increasingly frustrated Source: Reuters

WASHINGTON.- A new name is added to the list. After the games of the head of the

White House,

Steve Bannon; Security Advisor Michael Flynn; Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson; and ambbadador to the UN, Nikki Haley, among others, who said "enough" to the government of the

Donald Trump

Secretary of National Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, was in the middle of escalating the tension with the
immigrants because of the large number of Central American families crossing the
southern border of

United States

and the fight in Congress to get the budget to lift the
wall in the limit with


Nilsen, who was identified during her tenure as the visible face of the controversial policy of separation of children and parents (although they claim she was not in agreement), was last Friday at the border with Trump to participate in a table. round with border officers and local police. There, he echoed the president's remarks about the situation at the border, although he escaped without explaining while the Republican was talking.

The former National Security Secretary was increasingly frustrated by what she saw as a lack of support from other departments and a growing interference from Trump's advisers, said three people, consciously details of his resignation. Before this panorama, he went to the White House yesterday to talk with the president and resign.

Kirstjen Nielsen, Trump's former National Security Secretary, was increasingly frustrated by President's policy
Kirstjen Nielsen, Trump's former National Security Secretary, was increasingly frustrated by President's policy Credit: DPA

"Despite our progress in reforming national security for a new era, I decided that the time had come for me to leave office," he wrote in a letter without controversial comments. "I hope the next secretary will have the support of Congress and the courts to correct laws that have hindered our ability to fully protect the borders of the United States and that have contributed to discord in the debate in the United States." our country, "he added.

Tensions between the White House and Nielsen are not new. The woman was perceived as opposed to some of the most severe measures of immigration control supported by the president. According to their relatives, both sides were frustrated: Trump was exasperated by the situation at the border and Nielsen was frustrated by official actions that he considered counterproductive.

The president announced in a tweet that Kevin McAleenan, Commissioner of the Customs and Border Protection, would become interim director of the department. McAleenan has been a reputable official for some time.

Kirstjen Nielsen, now former Secretary of Homeland Security, was increasingly frustrated
Kirstjen Nielsen, now former Secretary of Homeland Security, was increasingly frustrated Credit: DPA

His pbadage through the government

Nielsen, 46, worked as a cybersecurity specialist at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and then as badistant to Trump's DHS First Secretary John Kelly. When he went to the White House as chief of staff in July 2017, Nielsen looked like his deputy, but a few months later he was back in the DHS, this time as a starter.

He became the face of the Trump government's anti-immigration policy and even the largely condemned practice of separating migrant children from their parents, even though he did not share it.

Although the critics he received from Trump were known, he remained faithful to the president. His position has weakened in recent months. In June 2018, he had to publicly defend the much-criticized policy of separation of immigrant families, which Trump had to cancel in the face of global protests against the practice of separating migrant parents from their children for the sake of a deterrent. .

Last week, the president threatened Mexico with a border closure, accusing it of failing to take the necessary steps to prevent the immigrants from Central America from crossing its territory. Finally, he had to give up this idea before the warnings that came from him about the devastating economic consequences that such a measure could have.

Kirstjen Nielsen, now former Secretary of Homeland Security, was increasingly frustrated
Kirstjen Nielsen, now former Secretary of Homeland Security, was increasingly frustrated Source: Reuters

AP and AFP agencies


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