“Another milestone in my career”: the reaction of a renowned Russian journalist who was blocked on Twitter by Álvaro Uribe


Inna Afinogenova is a journalist born in the region of Dagestan, Russia, and is characterized above all by her criticisms of Latin American governments; The Colombian is no exception and on his YouTube channel ‘Ahí les va’ (839,000 subscribers) he was outspoken with several specific issues and one of them was the social epidemic that occurred in the country. since April 28.

Recently, the journalist, who also works for RT (Russian Times), posted on her Twitter account what she described as “another milestone” in her career: a screenshot showing that former president Álvaro Uribe had blocked it.

Even though I’m a little scaredHe wrote in response to the trill in the screenshot. Both posts add over 31,000 likes and 1,000 replies; one was from House Representative César Pachón, who told him, “Welcome to the club, Inna” referring to the fact that the former senator has, as a common practice, blocked many of his detractors from this platform.

Recall that on July 16, the former president posted a video sending a salute to the Cuban people and supporting the protests on the island: “In democracy, freedom stimulates the imagination of social solutions, aggravation is the only socialist future”, he expressed. This tweet was quoted by Afinogenova writing, ironically, that Uribe “He knows how to find democratic solutions to any conflict. At least 6,402 people could testify … if they were alive “.

Afinogenova emphasizes in its content on political issues. In fact, in one of his latest videos, he spoke about the protests in Cuba, as well as their causes and effects in the region, and how these protests relate to others in countries like Colombia. He also criticized the events of the Duque government, such as the delivery of the famous “dossier” to the United Nations General Assembly.

“The clumsiness of the Colombian government and its Venezuelan allies gives for a series”RT’s deputy news director in Spanish said at the time.

Other than that, he has a lot of activity on Twitter, where he has around 294,000 followers; Unlike Instagram, where despite a verified account, it is followed by nearly 74,000 users.

He also manages another account dedicated to his space ” They are going there “, or has over 105,000 subscribers. En los post que funcionan para promocionar su contenido, hace mención a temas relevantes en Latinoamérica como el magnicidio del presidente haitiano Jovenel Moïse, las elecciones en Perú, las pérdidas y ganancias de las manifestaciones en Colombia, las protestas en Cuba y el COVID-19 , among others.

Regarding the trills, neither the journalist nor the former president made more allusion to the case.


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