Another mysterious monolith: it is the fifth and appeared in Holland | the Chronicle


Another mysterious monolith has been found in a remote location, this time in the Netherlands. Previously, similar structures appeared first in the Utah desert in the United States, then in Romania and then in California, also on American soil.

The new monolith was discovered by a group of people who, last Sunday morning, walked through a nature reserve near the town of Oudehorne in the north of the European country, according to the Algemeen Dagblad newspaper.

As in the previous cases, it is not known how and when the structure appeared and no indentations were found near the column.

In this case, eThe Los Monolith is surrounded by a small pool of water and covered in ice, so a local station hinted that it may have been on the reserve for some time.

In addition, unlike monoliths located in other parts of the world, andThe material of which it is made is not shiny, but matt. For their part, hikers who found the object suspect that it is a “new year’s eve joke “.

As for the origin of previously found metal structures, a concept art group known as “The most famous artist “ took the credit. The artists have posted the photos of them in Utah and California, and they’re even commissioned to make new replicas of them. Although the group has yet to comment on the most recent find.


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