Another new “giant” Christ is located in Brazil and will surpass that of Rio de Janeiro


Brazil will debut a giant new statue of Christ in a small town in the south of the country, which will exceed in size the iconic Christ the Redeemer that stands atop Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro, according to the Association of Friends of the Christ, who coordinates the work, which is scheduled for completion by the end of this year

This week the arms and head of the statue were erected, construction of which began in 2019 in Encantado, Rio Grande do Sul.

“It is for sure a day of celebration, of devotion,” celebrated the progress of the project in his social networks Gilson Conzatti, adviser and son of Adroaldo Conzatti, a local politician who welcomed the idea of ​​the site.

Adroaldo, who was the city’s mayor, died in March of health complications following a photo of Covid-19.

The Encantado statue will be called Cristo Protector and will be 43 meters high, including its pedestal, making it the third tallest statue in the world.

Likewise, it has been detailed that the hand-to-hand extension is 36 meters, which will have an internal lift and a viewpoint, the AFP agency reported.

How high is Christ of Rio

The Christ the Redeemer of Corcovado, Brazil’s most famous postcard, measures 38 meters including the pedestal, and was inaugurated in October 1931.

New scenario for postcards?

The city that will host him in Nuevo Cristo is Encantado, which has 22,000 inhabitants, is 144 kilometers from Porto Alegre, the state capital.

The construction, erected on Cerro de las Antenas and designed by a city priest, aims to “transmit the faith of the city of Encantado and promote tourism in the region”.

Authors of the work

The sculptors Genesio and Markus Moura, father and son, are in charge of the work with a budget of 2 million reais (350,000 dollars), and which was financed by donations and without public money, according to the Association of Friends of Christ.

Construction site. The new Christ rising in a small town in southern Brazil.


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