Another night of Gaza projectiles and Israeli bombings


Palestinian militias in Gaza launched at least five shells against Israeli territory this morning, unconfirmed if they caused casualties, and the Israeli army responded by bombing military targets.

Projectiles launched from the Gaza Strip, controlled by the Islamist Hamas movement and subjected to the Israeli blockade since 2007, sounded anti-aircraft sirens in the Eshkol regional council, forcing the population to go to the shelters.

"Five launches were identified from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory," said the army, without specifying whether it was rockets, mortar shells or mortars. other types of shooting.

Around 15:30 local time (00:30 GMT), the army explained in a statement that "in response" to the projectiles, "tanks of the Israel Defense Forces attacked a number of Hamas military posts" in the enclave

Yesterday, there was a mbadive mobilization in the Gaza Strip to commemorate the first anniversary of the "Great March of Return", which began a year ago with protest marches against the blockade and demanding the return of refugees at home, reported the agency. new EFE.

At yesterday's protests, three young Palestinians, including two 17-year-olds, were shot dead by the Israeli army.

In parallel with the demonstrations, dozens of violent incidents against the separation barrier, the launch of hundreds of incendiary balloons and comets that caused fires in Israel and eight waves of rockets and bombings , were also recorded during the last year. week

During this period, 275 Palestinians died, including 198 at demonstrations and the rest during other violent incidents, as well as 2 Israeli soldiers.


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