Another prisoner partner D'Alessio | The supposed financing …


The security forces arrested on Friday, by order of Judge Alejo Ramos Padilla, the alleged financier Pablo Bloise. He is accused of joining a money-laundering gang with Marcelo D'Alessio, Ricardo Bogoliuk and a man living abroad, Marcelo de Gorriti. The investigation began with a group of whatsapp found on the mobile phone of D & # 39; Alessio and in which there was an exchange on money movements abroad for an amount close to 100 million of dollars. The curious thing is that retired Commissioner Bogoliuk, a former member of the Federal Intelligence Agency, is on the list of directors of the group. According to his lawyer, Oscar Moyano, Bogoliuk does not have a clue about the existence of the WhatsApp group nor fund movements abroad. He will have to decide on this subject and on others next Tuesday.

In a letter dated yesterday, the magistrate stated that the defendants Alessio, Bogoliuk, Bloise and De Gorriti must declare "to have been part of an badociation of criminals devoting themselves to perform in the usual way and organized international transfers, several times millionaires in US Dollars, connecting the various parties, shipper and recipient, in exchange for commissions, all knowing the illicit origin of the funds ". For this investigation, Ramos Padilla sought the badistance of the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Money Laundering (PROCELAC) and, as the brief of yesterday's brief suggests, this organization produced a report on which the accused will be the subject of an investigation.

The exchanges of messages make it possible to conclude that the group operated with a base at the Foreign Finance Bank in Anoujan, in the Comoros Islands, an archipelago located between Mozambique, Africa and Madagascar. Whatsapp talks about transfers for about one hundred million dollars and making a trip from Bloise to Brazil and from De Gorriti to Istanbul, Turkey, to do some operations.

Ramos Padilla began working on the badumption that it could be money for the drug, so he asked for the Procelac report. On the other hand, it is suspected that it is a gigantic lie to achieve "an investment" of some reckless. Some messages speak of staying with a commission of $ 500,000 and surprisingly high percentages, over 20%.

We will have to see what the report says that they will read to the four defendants at the request. Bloise will be in front of the judge that same Saturday, in Bogoliuk Tuesday and in D & # 39; Alessio on June 11th. Gorriti lives abroad, but the arrest warrant has already been launched.


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