Another ravenous forest fire is also recorded in the Santas mountains



A forest fire, allegedly intentional, yesterday affected the San Luis Mountains, although the authorities pointed out that the fire-fighting personnel had managed to control flames.

In the early hours of the afternoon, the igneous projector began 300 meters from the Parroquia Nuestra Señora de la Guardia on Ruta Provincia 18, between Potrero de los Funes and El Volcán, said Cadena 3.

"Unfortunately, this may be arson," Provincial Security Minister Diego Gonzalez warned in statements to TN.

The San Luis official noted that the situation "is controlled" by the work of 80 firefighters and noted that "there is not one evacuee."

He also regretted that the tasks to extinguish the fire could not be completed this Sunday because the "strong winds" fueled the flames and prevented the work of air badets.

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