Another record of infections raises the alarm in Brazil: is a third wave coming? | the Chronicle


Brazil is going through its most difficult hours due to the coronavirus pandemic. In full celebration of the America Cup, the country of South America recorded 115,228 infections this Wednesday in the past 24 hours, a new daily record.

In this way, the local health ministry set off the alarms. The reason? A possible third wave, which had been predicted by health experts. Until now, the worst record was reached on March 25, when 100,158 cases were reported in 24 hours, about 15 thousand less than during that day.

The ministry also announced 2,392 new deaths recorded in the past day, which raised the death toll to 507,109 since March 2020. The total number of cases stands at 18,169,881. Brazil is one of the three countries in the world most affected by the pandemic in absolute numbers, along with the United States and India.

Has the third wave arrived?

A recent newsletter from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), a benchmark institution in national public health, warned of the real risk of a third wave with an ascending epidemiological curve in eight of the 27 Brazilian states.

This report warned that by mid-June, there could be between 2,000 and 2,300 deaths per day. This Wednesday 2392 deaths were recorded, which confirms the forecasts of experts. In May, the average number of deaths was 1,900.

The increase in cases, a concern in Brazil.

The overall increase in cases of Delta variant, caused a health reaction around the world. However, major laboratories that develop or produce vaccines have argued that their doses can fight this new strain.


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