Another repressor who went to mourn the letter to the IACHR and was criticized | Carlos María Romero Pavón wanted to challenge the prosecution against humanity before the body


Al repressor Carlos María Romero Pavón they closed the door in his face in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), or agreed to challenge the lawsuits against humanity which he defines, from a friendly publication, as “trials without trial”. With two life sentences to his credit, the retired lieutenant-colonel received a harsh response from the international body which supported the justice process that the country is leading.

Romero Pavon He’s a man who goes under the radar. However, during the dictatorship, he had a key position in the structure that commanded the repression in the region of La Plata and the suburbs of Buenos Aires. Was the Head of Internal Meetings Section of Army Intelligence Detachment 101 in La Plata. As such, as justice reconstitutes, it qualifies the information obtained during torture, controls the interrogations and analyzes whether they should continue or should be “transferred” to the victim.

In February 2010 alone, Romero Pavón was arrested on the orders of the federal judge in La Plata, accused by the crimes committed in the clandestine detention center called “La Cacha”, who worked in Olmos. In 2014, he was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Federal Oral Court (TOF) 1 of La Plata, chaired by Carlos Rozanski. His conviction was confirmed this year by Chamber I of the Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber. Last year he received his second life sentence for crimes committed in the San Just squadWhere. Currently, 77 years old, is on the bench for kidnappings, torture, homicides and disappearances committed in the Lanús, Quilmes and Banfield brigades. Follow the trial of the House and he refused to testify when the hearings began.

In 2013, months before the start of the La Cacha trial, Romero Pavón filed a petition with the IACHR. He said his human rights were violated primarily because they applied a law that did not exist when the crimes were committed – one that declared crimes against humanity imprescriptible – and that he was being held in inhumane conditions. and degrading. The Romero Pavón’s statement only started circulating within the Commission in 2016, coinciding with the arrival at government of Mauricio Macri, whose officials have called on the agency to accept the allegations of those who have been convicted or are under investigation for crimes against humanity in the country.

In the meantime, the repressor has started posting on the page Political prisoner a series of chronicles entitled Trial without trial, in which he fulminates over his fate since the reopening of the cases. “(Nestor) Kirchner opened the wounds that stained twenty-one years of democracy, using the judiciary to violate the principle of natural law, ”he wrote. In the texts he presents himself as lieutenant-colonel and “prisoner of the republic”.

His words did not move the commissioners, who positively appreciated the justice process in the country and recalled that they themselves welcomed the succession which began in 1998 with the repeal of the laws of the end point and of obedience, their annulment in 2003 and the declaration of unconstitutionality. of the Court in 2005.Impunity for conduct that most seriously affects the core legal rights subject to the protection of international human rights law is unacceptable”Wrote the IACHR.

“Due to the penal typology for which he was instructed and the complexity of the cases, It is not possible to characterize the actions of the State as a violation, especially if it is taken into account that house arrest has been granted», Declared the IACHR in the communication received by the Argentinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in recent days. “He also did not present any evidence to examine the alleged violations of his right to personal integrity, nor his complaint before the Argentine national court.”

The Human Rights Secretariat celebrated the decision of the Commission. “These cases do not deserve to be treated by the IACHR. Their guarantees are respected by the Argentinian courts and what they try to do is to reproduce the arguments they have advanced in their defense in the Argentinian courts and which have already been analyzed. The IACHR is not a fourth instance “, told Page | 12 Andrea Pochak, Under-Secretary for Protection and the International Liaison on Human Rights. “It is no coincidence that these cases began to be dealt with in 2016 with the previous administration and that they are starting to close now that we are making a very strong defense of the justice process,” he added. .

For years, repressors have sought to challenge the process before international forums, the same ones they ignored when they exposed or investigated their crimes. In recent months, the IACHR has rejected a similar request from the School of Marine Mechanics (ESMA) repressor Carlos Guillermo Suárez Mason, the namesake son of the late Commander of the First Corps.


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