Another scandalous note of Clarín in the style of activist of the adjustment


The official media have published an article on the benefits of rice consumption, while reducing meat consumption because people can not afford it.

May 2, 2019

The official multimedia Clarin he came back with his style notes "Militant adjustment" this refers to the "positive side" of the precarious economic situation of several hundred thousand Argentine villains.

At that time, they had issued a note stating that eating mud was healthy and then the article titled "Cultivating the rental mode with other families to spend less". On this occasion, Clarín offered a note on "The benefits of eating rice."


In a context of economic recession and increased poverty, the ruling party published a note under the title: "Eat more rice, the board of Japanese researchers to reduce obesity in the West."

According to the news, Professor Tomoko Imai of the Nutrition Department of Doshisha Women's College of Kyoto, along with colleagues from Nagoya University and two other local research centers, compared Obese population rate and the quantities of rice consumption per capita from 136 countries in the world with more than one million inhabitants.

The news has received dozens of reviews on social networks.

To integrate

Thank you Clarin. Now, if I do not want to bad the president for not being able to eat meat every day …

– Juampi (@ juampi_20) May 2, 2019

To integrate

Hahahahahaha are overcome every day

– Christian Cieri (@ChriCieri) May 2, 2019


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