Another serious error of Facebook: saved millions of passwords for years without encryption


Millions of Facebook user pbadwords have been recorded for years in plain textinstead of being costed and exposed to the employees of the company.

The internal servers of the company stored the pbadwords of 200 to 600 million Facebook users in plain text, as reported by cybersecurity badyst Brian Krebs, on his blog Krebs on Security.

According to an internal source, who preferred to remain anonymous, the company is still investigating the exact number of accounts involved. Some date back to 2012.

This security vulnerability is due to applications developed by company employees who have saved access data from unencrypted users, which have been stored in clear (readable) text on internal servers, as explained by the same source.

"These pbadwords have never been visible to anyone outside of Facebook and we have not found any evidence so far that a person has been abused or abused internally, "said Facebook in a statement posted on its official website.

Although they do not share the exact figures, the company indicated that affected "hundreds of millions of users Facebook Lite, tens of millions of other Facebook users and tens of thousands of Instagram users. "

As they claim the social network, this security error was discovered during a "routine security review" in January and, once the problem solved, they were fixed.

Although in principle no one is abusing pbadwords, the company advises users who wish to improve the security of their accounts, change the pbadword for a new one, be "strong and complex" and even consider the activation of a two-system. factors.


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