Another setback for the Brexit: how is the process going on after the new rejection of the agreement?


Several anti-Brexit flags wave their heads as Brexit protesters parade along London's River Thames Source: Reuters – Credit: Toby Melville

LONDON (AFP) .- British MPs
rejected for the third time today, the day the UK was to leave the EU, the agreement


negotiated by

Theresa May

with the bloc and left the country in the face of heightened uncertainty and a political crisis.

In rejecting the agreement, the UK lost the opportunity to obtain an extension until May 22 for the adoption of the Pension Treaty. This week, desperate to get the votes she did not finally get, she came to promise that
I would resign if I managed to specify Brexit. What scenarios are you facing now?

Brexit without agreement on April 12

London now has until April 12 to propose an alternative solution. If this does not happen, the UK will leave the EU without agreement the same day. The country would end 46 years of EU membership, leaving the single market and the customs union without a transition period or planning for the continuation of their relations, a scenario feared by the United States.

This question will surely be the subject of the next meeting of European leaders on April 10, two days before the deadline.

Long-term report of Brexit

European leaders opened the possibility of a postponement if the withdrawal agreement was not adopted and provided that there is a significant change from now on.

Theresa May said last Wednesday that she would no longer be responsible for these negotiations. In that case, it would be up to another government to reopen negotiations with Brussels.

A long-term postponement should occupy all 2019, warned the European Commission, and should be approved by the 27's. This implies that the UK is participating in the May European elections.

Cancellation of Brexit

This scenario, which May can reject, can not be excluded in the face of political chaos. According to the European Court of Justice, the UK can only decide that it will give up leaving the EU without the permission of other Member States.

But this unexpected turn "is not politically possible" without the organization of new elections or a new referendum, according to an independent member of the House of Lords, John Kerr.

New elections or second referendum

New general elections could be convened if the parliament and the government fail to reach an agreement on a solution to implement Brexit.

A successful vote of censorship can cause the electoral advance. The Prime Minister can also take the initiative to convene these elections.

Parliament can also say to convene a second referendum to ask for the support of the company to the agreement or for the ratification or not the decision to leave the EU.


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