Another strong US support for Macri before the primary


Ross yesterday in the interview of LA NACION Source: LA NACION – Credit: Santiago Filipuzzi

In an interview with LA NACION, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross supported the president's policies and expressed his desire to "prevail". He joined the downstream of the Secretary of State

He was
an express visit, which included meetings with officials, businessmen and the president, with a clear goal: send
a blunt
United States Government Support to the management of
Mauricio Macri in the section preceding the STEP, the primary elections that will mark the beginning of an electoral calendar whose outcome is still uncertain and which keep the White House in the listening.

In his 24 hours in Argentina,
the US Secretary of Commerce,
Wilbur Ross, met with businessmen from the United States Chamber of Commerce in Argentina (AmCham), ministers and Macri. "It was like a meeting of friends," said Donald Trump 's administration official, who knows the president of the time when they were both men of high school. business.

"As long as the president's policies continue, I think investors will gain confidence," Ross said.
exclusive interview with
Bosch Palace, while wishing that these policies "prevail" after the October elections. Ross's trip reinforced Trump's support for Macri just two weeks after his stay in Buenos Aires
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Two visits from key government officials less than a month before the primary.

– Do they expect the election result to progress with any agreements with the country?

-The companies will be more cautious until they see the election results. I joined the members of AmCham and, like us, strongly support the president's policy. So, as long as these policies are maintained, I think investors will gain confidence. I also think that the outside world has not yet understood the good work the President has done to achieve the IMF's goals. It seems to me that it goes slightly above them: to reach a primary deficit of 1% and to do it in a context of strict fiscal and monetary policy … It is a very difficult task. I think that they have handled the situation very well.

I think the outside world has not yet understood the good work done by the president to achieve the IMF's goals. It seems to me that it goes slightly beyond them.

-If Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner won the elections, would they find them reliable partners?

-For us, stable policies and procapitalism are important. We think that is what Argentina is doing. We hope that it is the policies that prevail. Venezuela has proven that going the other way for an oil-producing country is not a good idea.

-What are the main investment and trade opportunities for the United States in Argentina?

-A very important sector is gas and oil. It is there that the United States exert a great leadership, like liquefied natural gas. I think that there is a logical marriage between the natural resources of Argentina and the skills and capital that we have.

While in Buenos Aires, Ross had lunch with Minister Sica
While in Buenos Aires, Ross had lunch with Minister Sica Credit: Min.

– There has been progress in negotiations with the entry of Argentine biodiesel into the US market?

-C is a pending decision. The preliminaries are already – we've cut rates a bit, since we've eliminated one of the two categories – and the final decision will be made on September 15. We hope that this will eventually be resolved with the negotiations.

Free Trade Agreement

-You come from Brazil, where there was talk of a possible free trade agreement. Would this agreement include Argentina or Mercosur?

Brazil and Argentina announced the conclusion of an agreement between Mercosur and the European Union. I warned that we all wish, eventually, more trade agreements between Brazil, Argentina and the United States. But they have to be very careful not to put things in this agreement [con la UE] that prevent them
close agreements with the United States. Because there are problems of protectionism between the European Commission and the United States.

-What did you call "toxic pills" …

-Of course. Norms, geographical indicators and other things … Because this agreement is surely closed before any other with us. In addition, in the United States, to do things formally, you must involve Congress, which will take time. Trade agreements take time … how long did your discussions with the EU last?

At Mercosur, they must be very careful not to put things in this agreement [con la UE] that prevents them from entering into agreements with the United States

– And how would the negotiations be? Between the United States, Brazil and Argentina or directly with Mercosur?

-The problem is to deal with the formal procedures of each country. It is still very premature to talk about it.

– They have advanced on this topic in meetings today?

As you know, relations between Argentina and the United States are very good. I think Argentina's main goal now is to be part of the OECD. And we are working very hard to get it. So we prefer to do things one at a time and do them well. And admission to the OECD is very important.

A plan for Venezuela

-You mentioned Venezuela. The United States has already imposed sanctions. Do you intend to continue in this direction? Trump spoke of a possible blockade.

-We are determined to free Venezuelans from the tremendous deeds they perform with them. There is a huge humanitarian crisis.

Trade Secretary to Present Lima Group with Plan for Reconstruction of Venezuela
Trade Secretary to Present Lima Group with Plan for Reconstruction of Venezuela Source: LA NACION – Credit: Santiago Filipuzzi

– Can you imagine a Cuban blockade?

-The problem with Venezuela is much more complicated because of the participation of Cuba. Then we have to treat both. We have already imposed a series of sanctions on Cuba because we believe that they are part of the problem and not the solution. Cuba, Russia and China are allies very close to Venezuela. Not only do they not help solve the problem, they generate it. They take oil for free or almost without money. The country can not be exploited in this way. They need a new regime, with the support of the international community, to resurrect the country. I'm going to Lima next week to explain to the Lima group the plan to inform Venezuelans the day after the regime change.

-How do you imagine this first day of a new diet?

-The most important is the humanitarian aid. They are more than 30 million people. If each person had 100 dollars of help, which is not much, it would be a lot of money needed from the beginning. Then you have to think about how to rehabilitate the economy. Nothing does there: water, energy, sewers, telephone, banking system.

We are determined to free Venezuelans from the wonderful things they do with them.

-So are you ready to help financially?

-Yes, and hope that we will have the support of the international community. Once the humanitarian part is under control, completely new legislation is needed. Because they have no private property rights, nothing more than a capitalist economy. The government of [el presidente encargado, Juan] Guaidó is already working on it. An adequate legal framework to attract investment is important. Free elections in the first place are also important.

– Is the military option still on the table?

-C & # 39; is a military decision of the president. My role is to try to help with the commercial, not with the army. But we are determined to change the regime.

Commercial War

-Trump announced new tariffs to China and said it could either increase them or eliminate them depending on the continuation of the negotiations. Which of these options do you think is more feasible?

-First of all, let's explain
why he did We thought we had reached an agreement, but China was not able to advance on what we had agreed: some points regarding trade; that they would buy more agricultural products – which they would not do – and that they would stop the sale of fentanyl, which is a big problem in the United States, causing the death of tens of thousands of people each year. We did not see that they did it. The president was disappointed on all three points. But his answer was moderate.

– Do you think that they will reach an agreement before the elections of 2020?

L & # 39; major
It is to reach an appropriate agreement. And it depends on three components. The simplest is that they buy more products; the second is structural reform and the most difficult and the most important will be compliance. Trade agreements are generally weak in this. But it is important that, if there are violations, we must have the capacity to take unilateral action against them. The President made it clear that he was in no hurry, but that he would not be content with an agreement. So, if it is before or after the elections, it is not important. If this president does not resolve trade relations with China, no one will probably do it. Because facing all the political pressures that oppose a real agreement … nobody else will do it if we fail.



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