Another tornado shook the Chilean region of Bio Bio: one dead and eight wounded


This Friday afternoon, strong winds swept the regions of Concepción and Talcahuano.

To integrate

Another climatic phenomenon rocked Friday the bio bio Chilean region. A seaweed burst on the mainland and caused a lot of damage, first to Talcahuano, then to Concepción.

At least one fatal casualty and eight others seriously injured were the temporary balance of strong winds that shook the trans-Andean sector, near north of Neuquén.

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Thursday, a few kilometers from this region, a tornado shook the city of Los Angeles and caused extensive damage to homes and vehicles.

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As a precaution and on the basis of the ONEMI weather reports, the courses are suspended throughout the region of Biobío today, May 31st.
He is asked to return home carefully and to stay inside.
It is recommended not to roam the streets.

– Seremi Educ Biobio (@Educbiobio) May 31, 2019

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This Friday, around 15 hours, the wind of more than 100 km / h projected trees, poles and destroyed roofs of houses and stores.

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Tornado defeats a Chilean town near the north of Neuquén


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