Another Trump scandal: he called a US city a disgusting disaster


Trump's lyrics came in a series of tweets addressed to the Democratic representative Elijah Cummings, critic of the Republican government whose district covers much of Baltimore.

"Cumming District (sic) is a disgusting disaster, infested with rats and rodents", the president wrote, and called him "the worst and the most dangerous " from the country.

To integrate

…. As was proved last week during a congressional tour, the border is clean, efficient and well managed, but very crowded. Cumming District is a disgusting mess, infested with rats and rodents. If I spent more time in Baltimore, maybe it could help clean up this very dangerous and dirty place

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 27, 2019

"No human being would want to live there", he said, in an attack apparently provoked by Cummings' critics about the harsh conditions faced by asylum seekers on the Mexican border.

"Cummings has been a brutal thug, shouting at the border patrol men and women of the situation on the southern border, while their district of Baltimore is MUCH more terrible and more dangerous"Trump accused.

To integrate

Why is so much money sent to Elijah Cummings District when it is considered the worst and most dangerous in the United States? No human being would want to live there. Where is all this money going? How much is stolen? Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 27, 2019

The morning of the president triggered a storm of criticism, less than two weeks after the House of Representatives condemned him for "racist" remarks addressed to a legislator born in Somalia.

Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives whose father was Mayor of Baltimore, accused Trump of committing an attack "racist".

"@RepCummings is an advocate for civil rights and economic justice at home and in the country, a beloved leader in Baltimore and a valued colleague," tweeted Pelosi.

"We reject racist attacks against him and support his strong leadership"he added.

The Baltimore Democrat Mayor, Bernard "Jack" Young, black, rejected Trump's speech, calling it "offensive and dangerous".

"It is totally unacceptable that the political leader of our country denigrates a dynamic American city like Baltimore and attacks brutally," he said in a statement.

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, also African-American, tweeted that she was "proud" to have her campaign headquarters in Cummings District.

Cummings himself wrote on the same social network: "Mr. President, I go to my district every day, every morning I get up and fight for the neighbors, it's a constitutional duty to oversee the executive power." But it's a moral duty to defend the interests of my constituents. ".

As chair of the House of Representatives' oversight committee, Cummings has investigated government policies, including reports of mistreatment in immigration detention centers.

Trump recently attacked four young Democratic legislators, descendants of immigrants, who suggested he "return" to the "crime-infested" countries from where they came from.

The port city of Baltimore has a dual image, with its beautiful and rich neighborhoods and large neighborhoods affected by poverty. The homicide rate is one of the highest in the country. More than half of the population in Cummings District is black.


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