ANSeS officially ordered the prosecutor in charge of investigating the scandal to step down


Federal prosecutor Eduardo Taiano, in charge of the investigation into the VIP vaccination in which he was already indicting the former Minister of Health, Ginés González García, received on Tuesday the formal notification from ANSeS so that, within one month, regularize your withdrawal process or withdraw.

The intimation It was made official when the prosecutor received the notification letter on Tuesday morning. The body which directs the camper Fernanda Raverta had announced the measure and warned to more than 200 judges and prosecutors so that they regularize their current retirement procedures or they would be terminated.

From ANSeS, they indicated that the notification is much the same process already started after last week’s announcement. Even so, the coincidence of bureaucratic times with legal investigations generates criticism and concerns among the magistrates.

The administrative decision of ANSeS was parallel and complied with the attacks on the judiciary which was verbalized by President Alberto Fernández and which focused on the criticism of the Supreme Court.

Last week, the ANSeS began issuing a series of injunctions to various magistrates to determine whether they wished to step down or, if not, cancel their ongoing proceedings.

The list includes prosecutors such as Carlos Stornelli and Raúl Plee, and federal chambermaids such as Eduardo Riggi, Martín Irurzun and Carlos Mahiques, among others. Also federal judge María Servini and her court counterpart, Elena Highton de Nolasco.

Bugle might know that Taiano, 62 years old, received its notification on Tuesday. And at least the chambermaid Leopoldo Bruglia would be one of the judges who also received in the last hours the note which forces a decision. They have a term of thirty days.

The conditions required to retire as a member of the judiciary or the public prosecutor of the Nation must be 60 years old – male or female -, 30 years in the service and 20 with calculable contributions. In addition to 15 continuous years or 20 discontinuous years of judicial career.

“There are many magistrates who, old enough to retire, initiate the process before the pension body but keep it on hold, to be able to finish it quickly at any time”, they explained from the institution. , to justify the popular demand.

The organization’s sources insisted that the notice specifically reach court officials who have started their retirement process: they delivered documents, but left leadership open. The timing, however, raises questions.

The ANSeS request came amid a wave of strong government pressure for justice, both from harsh Kirchnerism and from the president himself.

Whether with administrative decisions, public statements or official announcements, the goal always seems to be the same: to leave the judges and prosecutors who investigate and try former Kirchner officials in corruption cases.

Taiano joined the Federal Prosecutor’s Office in April 1993 as a deputy, and two years later became the incumbent, a position he holds to this day. He knows the causes sensitive to power. He had to act on two complaints for illicit enrichment against former president Néstor Kirchner, one that highlighted the period between 1995 and 2004, and others from this last year to 2007.

In 2005, a son of the prosecutor was kidnapped the same day that Taiano had the deadline to appeal Kirchner’s dismissal. He does not have. This first case on the fortune of the presidential family of the time has been closed. In the second, Taiano requested that he be classified for “no crime”.

It was also the prosecutor who requested the rise to judgment of the case for the sale of the future dollar, for which Cristina Kirchner is being prosecuted. The vice president tries to prevent the start of the oral trial for this case by means of delay devices: he will make a defense at a hearing before the Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber which will take place on March 1.

For the latest Vip vaccination scandal, Taiano indicted on Monday the former health minister and his nephew Lisandro Bonelli, who held the post of chief of staff in the same portfolio. Federal judge María Eugenia Capuchetti also ordered the search of the Ministry of Health to advance the investigation.

During his tour in Mexico, Alberto Fernández redoubled the bet on Tuesday and directly criticized this investigation: “I ask the judges to do what they must. Let’s stop the antics.”, questioned in disagreement with the fact that the expulsion of the former minister González García would have penal consequences for his actions.

Almost at the same time as these statements, the prosecutor in charge of the case received the administrative ultimatum from the pension organization.



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