Antarctica: strange creatures discovered under 900 meters of ice


Living creatures have been found 900 meters below the ice cap on the surface of Antarctica. They live in extreme conditions and where it was thought that this type of life could not exist. According to scientists, they are stationary animals, similar to sponges, but it is undoubtedly a new species completely unknown until now.

The discovery was made by a group of researchers on the platform Filchner-Ronne, located southeast of the Weddell Sea. The beings discovered are the first community of hard substrate, that is, on a rock, and they seem to go against all theories about the type of life that could be found in Antarctica.

But so far, no details about the new life can be known., since they are in depth inaccessible by sample collection tools, no doubt a major challenge in which they have already set to work.

The main discovery car, Huw Griffiths, expressed to the newspaper The avant-garde: “Our discovery raises many more questions than it answers, for example, How did they get there? What do they eat? How long have they been there? How common are these rocks covered in life ? Are these the same species as seeing outside the ice or are they new species? And what would happen to these communities if the pack ice collapsed? ” they will try to find out in the coming months.

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