Anthony Fauci admitted that the coronavirus is “fu …


Senior White House epidemiologist Anthony Fauci has acknowledged that the pandemic is “out of control” in the United States.. Fauci was concerned about a likely increase in covid-19 cases in January and admitted that the number of vaccinated to date is ten times lower than expected. After Joe Biden, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris was vaccinated against the coronavirus on Tuesday, seeking to give confidence to the population. “It’s about saving lives,” he said.

The United States is currently experiencing the worst spike in infections since the start of the epidemic. Occupancy of intensive therapy beds by patients with covid-19 went from 16% in September to 40% last week, And the situation could get worse after traveling and meeting family for the holidays.

“We’re on a rally that is out of control in many ways,” Fauci said. in an interview with CNN. “If you look at the development from late winter to early spring 2020, we had a peak in late winter and early spring, another peak in early summer, and just we are now at a peak whose worsening and inflection are very sharpAdded the director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases.

Fauci said the United States was in a “very difficult” situation, never having had a low benchmark in terms of infections, “where community expansion can be monitored by identification, isolation and follow-up of contacts “. For this reason, expressed concern about a possible increase in cases in January, which could be worse than in December, when the country experiences an unprecedented daily increase in cases.

“I believe that We must assume that it will get worse, we are between 100 and 200 thousand infections per day. There was a period in the worst period of December, where it was above 200 thousand, which I hope we will not reach again because it makes us totter: you have cases, you have hospitalizations and, consequently, deaths ”, declared the prestigious infectologist. American.

Faced with this complex picture, Fauci, who was chosen by President-elect Joe Biden to be his chief medical adviser, recommended continuing to practice “the simple things” that have been done. “We are trying to make people travel less, and for those who have already done so, what you need to do is not get together in large groups of people, only the immediate family“He said. And he warned that when you have a lot of people gathered for dinner indoors and with little ventilation,“ that’s where you get into trouble. “

Low number of vaccinated

The american government, who kicked off the mass coronavirus vaccination campaign this month, he had said his goal was to have 20 million people vaccinated by the end of December. But On Monday, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that only two million people received the first dose one of the two vaccines already authorized.

“Even if you underestimate the numbers, take two million as an underestimate… How much can that number be underestimated?” Fauci warned. in his dialogue with CNN. “I think as we go into January we will see an increase” in the number of vaccinated, he continued to try to calm the waters. “I hope this will allow us to catch up with the planned vaccination rate,” added the doctor trained at Cornell University in New York.

Since the country began its vaccination campaign on December 14, several of the most senior officials have been vaccinatedincluding outgoing Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. President-elect Joe Biden was vaccinated last week, and Vice President Kamala Harris did the same on Tuesday.

In front of the television cameras, theto the former attorney of the nation the vaccine developed by Moderna was administered at the United Medical Center, located in one of the most modest areas in the south-east of the capital. This region of the American city has a predominantly African American population and is the most affected by the pandemic, with 20% of deaths from covid-19 in the city.

After receiving the vaccine, Harris joked that she barely felt the injection, adding that her husband, Doug Emhoff, would also receive it. “I want to encourage everyone to get vaccinated, it’s relatively painless, it’s really quick, that’s for sure.”the vice president-elect told reporters, while assuring that she looked forward to the second dose. Addressing the Americans, he harangued: “When it’s your turn to get the vaccine, it’s about saving your lives, the lives of your family members and the lives of your community.”

In recent weeks, several politicians have received the vaccine against covid-19. But the White House has not disclosed whether Trump, who contracted the new virus in October and recovered after taking an experimental cocktail of antibodies, finally will be vaccinated.

The United States is the country most affected by the pandemic in the world with more than 19.3 million detected cases of covid-19 and more than 335,000 deaths. The provisional death toll far exceeds the lowest of the White House’s initial estimates, which at best predicted between 100 and 240,000 deaths from the pandemic. Trump lowered those numbers and was convinced the final figure would be between 50 and 60,000 deaths, although he later predicted as many as 110,000 deaths, a number also vastly exceeded.


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