Anthony Fauci: America is heading in the “wrong direction” to curb new wave of infections | White House adviser warned unvaccinated people of covid-19 danger


Anthony Fauci, chief medical consultant to President Joe Biden, warned on Sunday that US goes in the ‘wrong direction’ to curb new wave of coronavirus in the country, which has increased in recent weeks due to the expansion of the Delta variant and resistance to vaccination exhibited by certain sectors of the population.

It really is a pandemic among the unvaccinated, it is therefore a problem mainly at home, which is why we are here, practically begging the unvaccinated people to go out to be vaccinated ”, explained the virologist during an interview. cadena CNN.

Asked about the possibility that the United States could again record peaks of up to 4,000 daily deaths from the coronavirus, given the expansion of the Delta variant, he once again stressed the importance of vaccination : if these figures were reached, he explained, the most affected would be the unvaccinated, who represent about half of the population.

“I don’t know if it would be the worst case, but it won’t be good; we are going in the wrong direction“said Fauci, who does not rule out the possibility of give a third dose of the vaccine, primarily to those at risk, as the growing increase in re-infections among those on the full immunization schedule “could” lead the country “in that direction,” he said.

To date, based on data from the National Network of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are 30 states that have half of their residents unvaccinated.

In this context, Biden’s medical adviser defended the decision of some local authorities, such as those in Los Angeles County, which decreed the compulsory use of face masks in confined spaces. Guidance of this type “is not incompatible” with that of the CDC since it responds to a question of “caution”, the official said, referring to recent expressions by CDC director Rochelle Walensky, who again stressed that there is a need for those vaccinated to use the mask (although he acknowledges that this has “some advantages”).

Last week, the United States recorded the worst number of infections and deaths from the coronavirus in the past three months, with an increase in weekly cases four times greater than in June. Since the start of the pandemic, the country has accumulated 34,285,360 infections and 609,870 deaths.


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