Anti-covid vaccination: those over 40, with chances before …


The province of Buenos Aires and the city of Buenos Aires could open the vaccination of people under 50 of the general population, that is to say without a history of illness, before the end of the month. The pace of the arrival of vaccines, and also vaccination, has accelerated, so the range of 50 to 59 will be cited from this Monday and, if all goes like the last ten days, the call to minors will begin from the 50 in the week that begins Monday June 21 or, at the latest, June 28. In parallel, 400,000 doses 2 of the Sputnik vaccine will be applied from next Wednesday. The neighborhood of Buenos Aires has also called the over 70s who want to be vaccinated, without lag. This is one of the objectives: to start search to those who have not registered. On the horizon there is also the idea of ​​outings of nurses district by district to vaccinate people who have not yet done so.


This Monday 1,400,000 doses arrive, including 900,000 from Oxford / AstraZeneca from Albuquerque, in the United States, with the active ingredient manufactured in Argentina and finished in the northern country.

In the afternoon, on another Aerolineas Argentinas flight, 500,000 doses of Sputnik V arrived. Of the total, 100,000 will be doses 1 and 400,000 doses 2. In addition, on this same plane comes the equipment to finish a million doses in the laboratory in Richmond, before the end of June.

Another plane is expected to arrive this week, this time from Mexico, with 800,000 doses from Oxford / AstraZeneca. The active substance was produced by mAbxience in Garín and the terminator in Liomont de México.

Everything indicates that in the next seven days another plane will come from Moscow and by the weekend could arrive two million doses of Sinopharm, contracted with the Chinese laboratory.

With such a flow of vaccines, managed by Minister Carla Vizzotti and Presidential Advisor Cecilia Nicolini, it is expected that the vaccination rate can be maintained: Friday the record was broken with 356,000 requests. On Saturdays and Sundays fewer are vaccinated, but the estimate is that it could reach 250,000 each day this weekend.

Groups from Buenos Aires

The province of Buenos Aires already has many districts in which people aged 50 to 59, without any previous illness, have been vaccinated. This Saturday, 131,000 calls were sent for this band. The bulk of the summons will arrive next week, but sources from the Buenos Aires health ministry, led by Daniel Gollán and Nicolás Kreplak, have suggested that this tape could be finished before or during the last week of June. This leaves open the chances of citations from people under the age of 50 for Monday, June 21 or the following days.

At the same time, this Monday, the district of Buenos Aires will receive some 160,000 doses 2 of Sputnik, to complete the vaccination of those who have received dose 1 of the Russian vaccine, mainly in March.


At Friday’s press conference, Governor Kicillof, Minister Gollán and Chief of Staff Carlos Bianco were surprised by the announcement that the vaccination of people over 70 becomes free, that is to say without delay. You just need to present your DNI.

In the Buenos Aires district, he is concerned that out of a total of seven million citizens eligible for registration, six million have done so. In other words, there are a million to seek and convince. It is not a large percentage, but it is a large number which, if contagious, constitutes a strong human pain and also a health problem. Making things easier – they don’t need a tour – is a first initiative, but later, when the majority of those registered have been vaccinated, they think of teams that will go to the neighborhoods to vaccinate. The agreement with the Indian laboratory Bharat notably envisages having a vaccine that can be stored at room temperature and does not require a great deal of logistics to go to the neighborhoods to vaccinate.

Groups from Buenos Aires

This weekend, the city of Buenos Aires is completing the vaccination of all those at risk. In other words, those over 60 and those between 18 and 59, but with previous illnesses.

On Friday, people aged 55 to 59 without comorbidities, that is, the general population, began to register. 50,000 porteños have registered and, according to authorities’ calculations, they may have finished vaccinating on Wednesday. Therefore, There will be registration this week, before Thursday, for people between 50 and 54 years old, without comorbidities.

CABA will receive around 30,000 doses 2 of Sputnik on Monday. Minister Quirós estimates that it will not take more than a day or a day and a half to apply these doses to those who received Dose 1 in March.

With this panorama, it is possible to predict that groups of 50 to 59 will finish being vaccinated around the 15th or 17th and this opens the possibility of registering and vaccinating those under 50, without previous diseases, from Monday. 21.

Both the authorities in Buenos Aires and Buenos Aires are cautious, they do not want to risk dates which they believe are not guaranteed. However, two weeks ago, they said that vaccinating people under the age of 60 was unlikely until the end of the month and the process is already advanced in early June. The key is vaccine flow and it is happening in a remarkable way: three million doses or more per week. This contrasts completely with the discourse of the opposition which continues to claim that “there are no vaccines”.


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