"Anti-hate Kisses" for censorship of gay comic | Chronic


A "LGBTI Antiodal Kiss" It was held Thursday before the Brazilian Embbady to repudiate the decision of the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Marcelo Crivella, to leave the sale a comic strip in which appear two men who kiss, reported the promoters of the initiative.

"(Jair) Bolsonaro and (Marcelo) Crivella represent the anti-rights political and religious offensive, which is also expressed in Argentina, against what they call the gender ideology. With this excuse, they attack bad education, the equality of marriage, the right to abortion and diversity"he said Light blue iron, candidate for the national deputation of the FIT unit.

Fierro said the police had installed fences in front of the embbady, ​​located in Cerrito 1350, "They've just given each other a symbolic kiss of freedom."

This kiss came out in front of the Brazilian Embbady!

Against censorship and defending the rights of diversity pic.twitter.com/W4EvAxoUVn

– Cele Fierro (@Cele_Fierro)
September 12, 2019

"We will not allow any offense of these dinosaurs"said the organizer of the activity, which included representatives of the Socialist Movement of Workers (MST), Free Diversity and Boards and the left.

The incident occurred last Friday, when the Under-Secretary of Public Order of Rio de Janeiro, Wolney DaysHe has presented himself with inspectors at the Biennale du Livre exhibition center to comply with the order of Crivella: stop posting a comic book publication whose cover depicts two men by train to kiss him.

This is the sample "Avengers: the children's crusade", a story of 264-page superheroes in which two of his male characters are friends, so that the evangelical Crivella denounced "badual content for minors" and ordered to be "protect."

This is the sample
"Avengers: The children's crusade".

For its part Pablo Vasco, a reference for Libre Diversidad-MST, added: "In the LGBTI community, we are attentive to this political and clerical anti-rights offensive, which we will face in all areas."

"That's why, in the Organizing Committee of the 28th Pride March, which we will be doing on 2 November, more than 60 groups have decided that the central slogan should be" For a country without institutional or religious violence. We will not take a step back ", completed Vasco.


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