anti-vaccine protest in Los Angeles ended in pitched battle


A man was stabbed and a journalist assaulted physically during a protest against the compulsory nature of coronavirus vaccines held in the gardens of City Hall in Los Angeles, United States, after a clash between protesters and counter-protesters.

According to what was reported by the police department and local press, the incidents began when a group of several hundred people with flags of the United States, articles referring to former President Donald Trump and demanding posters “Medical freedom” They came to the town hall to participate in the demonstration.

The victim of the attack was a man who was treated by firefighters. “No arrests were made, but the investigation is ongoing, ”police said.

A sector of the demonstrations was called “for freedom against medical tyranny” and concentrated the sectors of the political right in the city. While another protest was called under the slogan “no safe space for fascists”.

The two groups met on the South Lawn of City Hall and then clashed in the street courtyards of Los Angeles Police Headquarters.

Frank Stoltze, a reporter for KPCC radio, tweeted that he was at the protest and “a bunch of guys took off my glasses and pushed me, kicked me on the ground.”

Other observers, including Tina-Desiree Berg, said they were targeted by anti-vaccine protesters.

The violence occurred when the Governor of California, Gavon Newsom, said this week that the Covid-19 vaccination certificate will be required for teachers and school staff to return to campus. The rule applies to public and private schools.

“They are not ‘patriots’. Not wearing a mask and being anti-vaccine is not patriotism, it is stupid. We must be able to have different opinions without resorting to violence,” said Nury Martínez, president of the president of the Los Angeles City Council via her Twitter account.

The city council voted in favor of creating a vaccination passport system to enter public places, including restaurants, bars, gymnasiums, concerts, cinemas and commercial premises.



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