Antibodies in economy mode: how do I know how many I have and which tests are working


the epidemiological scenario it changes. Despite the fact that in some countries like Israel and the United States inoculation has been done at an accelerated rate, the reality is that the vaccination plan is growing all over the world, albeit more slowly. Meanwhile, scientists now their attention to the few Side effects of certain vaccines – such as possible cerebral thrombosis – and also in the time it takes for the body to generate antibody facing SARS-CoV-2.

But, How long does the immunity of the vaccine last? Two scientific studies, published in the journal Nature and in BioRxiv, they corroborated what was hitherto unknown. The specialists concluded that immune cells important to survive in the bone marrow patients who have previously been infected with SARS-CoV-2 or who have been vaccinated. Immunity, meanwhile, would last at least a year and could even protect people throughout their lives since this getting better over time, especially after inoculation.

Scientists clarified that the immunity generated by infection virus than that produced by inoculation. “People who have not had covid and who have been immunized may eventually need a wakeup call. We will find out very soon, ”he said. Michel Nussenzweig, university immunologist Rockefeller At New York. Experts have concluded that B cells proliferate rapidly and produce a large amount of antibody. These cells are then installed in the bone marrow, granting different levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2.

How do I know how many antibodies I have?

A few months ago people were more concerned about be tested and whether they had or not coronavirus that by knowing their defenses against the virus. Today, more than a year after the pandemic that changed the world, the vaccines They have proven to be the most effective tool in the fight against COVID-19, but it is necessary to know what protection they offer.

In some countries with high percentages of vaccinated population, the achievement PCR tests and of antigens -which identify a active infection– those who assess the body’s response to vaccines have decreased, but have increased.

There are different types of testing. Scientists explain that “ B lymphocytes are cells of the immune system that are activated by infection and generate protein which will help our defenses to fight against the virus. These proteins are the antibody and, in the case of SARS-CoV-2, they can be detected in the blood 14 days later of the infection ”.

There are different antibodies, but in the case of coronavirus, there is Of Extremely important: immunoglobulin M (IgM) and the immunoglobulin G (IgG). “IgMs are usually a marker indicating that there is an active infection. They are the ones that increase when the virus replicates. Then, theoretically, they disappear ”, he explained to the newspaper. The country Roberto Alonso, virologist at the Gregorio Marañón University Hospital in Madrid. Therefore, he said, “a serological test that it detects high levels of IgM will indicate that at that point we are infected ”. “In the most specialized laboratories, if we want to characterize an active infection, we use PCR or antigens”.

In this sense, the specialist explained that as the infection subsides and the IgM antibodies decrease, the IgG, which will remain in time. “In a way, they are the signal that our body keeps having been in contact with the virus and having developed strategies to defend against him. And this sign, this immune response, Perhaps Natural (caused by infection) or induced by vaccine», He clarified.

Along the same lines, he said: “The two people who passed the infection because those who have been vaccinated generate antibody. If the virus returns to the body, these antibodies will recognize it and will block to help the immune system fight it ”.

How long do they last in the body?

A group of scientists argued that people infected with covid and who were subsequently vaccinated would not need enhancement, since the immunity would last at least a year.

For its part, Alonso He said, “This is a new disease that we are learning more about every day. We don’t know exactly what you duration, but experience shows us that the number of IgG antibodies, both vaccine and natural, it decreases Over the month “.

In this sense, the specialist said that it is not yet known why some people develop more antibody than others or have them longer. “What we think is that even when your levels are low, it won’t mean you’ve lost protection. Although the number of circulating antibodies has been reduced, B lymphocytes will save a memory and, in the event of a new infection, the will produce again», He clarified.

the serological tests Antibodies are the ones that help doctors and scientists know a patient’s level of protection against the coronavirus. Because they are useful in determining the immunity of a person, several European countries request it as well as the antigen test, PCR or a document that accredits the vaccination. Meanwhile, quantitative tests allows to know the amount of IgG, which helps assess a person’s response to vaccination or after being infected with covid.

“The vaccines applied do not lose their effect, they lower the antibodies over time”

It was provided by the Minister of Health of the Nation, Carla Vizzotti. The official clarified that the vaccines administered do not lose their effect, but they do. lower antibodies over time it is therefore necessary to complete the vaccination plan with all the corresponding doses. “The main message to people who listen to certain concepts with great anguish is that the vaccines applied do not lose the effect. let’s not say expiry because it can generate confusion as to its lifespan, ”he said with reference to the 12 weeks interval recommended by specialists between the first and second dose of the vaccine.


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