Antibodies Last Up To One Year In 70% Of People Recovered From Coronavirus | According to a Chinese study involving Sinopharm


Antibodies to the coronavirus can last up to twelve months in over 70 percent of patients who overcame the diseaseaccording to a study published by Chinese researchers.

The research also concludes that vaccination can “effectively restrict the spread” of COVID-19 by promoting an immune response similar to how the human body generates human antibodies against living viruses.

The study was conducted by a subsidiary of state-owned pharmaceutical company Sinopharm (which produces two of the vaccines approved by the Chinese government) and the National Translational Medicine Research Center at Shanghai Jiaotong University.

For its development, Some 1,800 convalescent plasma samples were collected from 869 people who had overcome the disease in the past twelve months in Wuhan, the Chinese city where the first coronavirus outbreak was recorded in December 2019.

The researchers checked for the presence and amount in these samples of RBDIgG, a type of antibody that indicates the strength of immunity against the virus, according to the official journal. China daily.

According to the results, in nine months, the antibody levels fell to 64.3% from the level when the patients contracted the virus, and since then they have stabilized until the twelfth month. The immune response was stronger in men than in women during the early stages of infection, but the difference diluted over time until it almost disappeared after a year. Likewise, people between the ages of 18 and 55 developed higher levels of antibodies.

According to the China National Biotechnology Group (the subsidiary of Sinopharm that produced it), this study is the most extensive of those which verified the continuity of the immune response in patients recovered from covid-19.


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