Antony Blinken received the Vice-President of Colombia: “Our association is absolutely vital”


Marta Lucía Ramírez with Antony Blinken (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / Pool via REUTERS)
Marta Lucía Ramírez with Antony Blinken (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / Pool via REUTERS)

The Chancellor and Vice-President of Colombia, Marta Lucia Ramirez, met the US Secretary of State, Antony blink, In the USA. Before the meeting, both made statements to the press.

I am happy to welcome the Vice-President and Minister of Foreign Affairs among us today. The partnership between the United States and Colombia is absolutely vitalBlinken pointed out.

And I add: “We work together on so many different topics and in so many different ways, and it is a special pleasure this morning to have the opportunity to continue this work, to deepen the partnership in many challenges, I think there are also opportunities, and I look forward to the conversation “.

For his part, Ramírez thanked government official Joe Biden and said: “Like you said, it’s a long story that we have together., working together for the values ​​we share: democracy, development and job creation. We have many challenges in common and, for Colombia, this is the most important relationship ”.

Antony Blinken and Marta Lucía Ramírez, before the meeting (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / Pool via REUTERS)
Antony Blinken and Marta Lucía Ramírez, before the meeting (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / Pool via REUTERS)

We must maintain this commitment to increase opportunities for our people, not only in Colombia but also in the United States.. And, for us, this It’s a relationship that we really want to have in the first point always. Thank you very much for giving us this opportunity. And thank you because I know you’ve come from a long trip, so that’s the importance of our relationship. Thank you, ”said the Colombian.

As reported InfobaeAlthough the Chancellor’s return was due to take place on Wednesday or Thursday, it has been confirmed that Ramírez will stay in the United States for a few more days. The decision was made after a meeting with the Secretary of State was placed on the Colombian political agenda..

At first, the meeting was ruled out, since the American seemed to have no space to attend the Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs. However, Wednesday’s meeting was confirmed this Friday.

In recent days, Ramírez has met with representatives of the IACHR, important White House officials and members of Congress from the Democratic Party. The official also made a space to meet who was one of the fiercest critics of Iván Duque’s government management. during the national strike: the democratic representative Jim mcgovern.

By a message posted on your Twitter account, Ramírez admitted that he had had an important dialogue with the North American parliamentarian. “I spoke about human rights in the context of the social protest in Colombia. We are moving forward on a constructive program, based on transparency and democratic principles, ”he stressed.


Marta Lucía Ramírez will meet the US Secretary of State this Friday
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