Apple announced that it would stop using Intel chips in its iPhone


Speculation is confirmed after the company launched a recruitment campaign to manufacture these products on a mbadive scale.

  Apple announced that it would stop using Intel chips in its iPhone
Apple announced that it would stop using Intel chips in its iPhone

The first announcement of the abandonment of the use of chips Intel by Apple was to be applied to the Mac, but from now it was badured that Apple would also stop buying Intel 5G modem chips for its upcoming iPhones, as reported by Bloomberg .

This is the result of speculations that haunt for months, which they ensured that the company would stop working with microprocessors. This decision caused Intel to stop developing the internal chip called Sunny Peak.

On the other hand, another aspect related to this topic was that Apple launched in April calling with short-term jobs on their website to work on a wireless chip which indicates that the company is exploring the idea of ​​making this chip in the business.

A 5G chip that is created with Apple technology that could help it in its dispute with Qualcomm, because it is advancing in development it would not need to 39, buy the company of Chinese origin, as it is currently the case with most iPhone phones.

You will probably have to pay license fees depending on the outcome of the legal battle.

Now, Apple began with serial production of a new important modem chip programmed to be used. or in the next Apple iPhones, he's turned to Intel for LTE chips for his 2019 models.

However, it's not easy to design his own chips and mbad-produce them in the quantities that the company needs

However, is another problem that joins Intel while the board looks for a new CEO after the departure of the former CEO of the company. Intel Brian Krzanic h, which is because it was discovered that he had an affair with an Intel employee that he started before to become CEO and that he had already finished.

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