Apple will donate for the reconstruction of Notre-Dame Cathedral


Various personalities, as well as organizations and companies, have expressed their intention to collaborate in the reconstruction of Notre-Dame cathedralafter this week's fire that destroyed part of the iconic French church.

Apple is one of the companies that offered its support. Executive Director Tim Cook voiced his sadness over Twitter and said that give funds for reconstruction.

We are sorry for the French and the world for whom Our Lady is a symbol of hope. Relieved that everyone is safe. Apple will contribute to reconstruction efforts to help restore the precious heritage of Notre Dame for future generations.

– Tim Cook (@tim_cook) April 16, 2019

"Our hearts are broken by the French and the whole world for which Our Lady is a symbol of hope, I am relieved because everyone is safe," he said in his tweet.

Cook added that Apple will collaborate in the reconstruction efforts of the cathedral and "help restore the precious heritage of Our Lady for future generations".

The CEO did not specify the amount or specific terms of this collaboration.

After the announcement of the fire, various business groups also expressed their desire to collaborate in the reconstruction of the historic building. Works that, according to the French president Emmanuel Macron, will require five years and will give a cathedral "even more beautiful".

At present, it is estimated that private donations for these tasks amount to about 800 million euros. In addition, the airline Air France has announced that it would transport all the "rebuilding officials" free of charge.


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