April stock market closed with a surplus of $ 1,131 million


The April stock exchange was closed with a surplus of $ 1,131 million, and thus reversed the $ 887 million deficit the same month of 2018, due to the sharp drop in imports, reported today the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec).

The April surplus was marked by a 31.6% drop in importsUS $ 4,174 million, while exports increased 1.7% to $ 5,305 million. With this result, the first four months of the year a profit of 3,147 million dollars, which reversed a negative balance of 3,259 million USD compared to January-April of last year.

The Minister of Production, Dante Sica, said Thursday that the government's actions are aimed at "a more integrated economy and open to the world, with an increased export volume". "Exporting means strengthening the internal market and improving wages, which enhances the well-being of the population," he said.

Foreign Trade: In April 2019, exports increased 1.7% year on year and imports decreased by 31.6%. The balance showed a surplus of 1,131 million USD. Https://t.co/kjcSNoBjt0 pic.twitter.com/R1Gz7Lix98

– INDEC Argentina (@INDECArgentina) May 23, 2019

Exports in April they increased $ 90 million compared to April of the previous year, because of the increase in quantities of 10.3%, since prices fell by 7.7%.

The sales of primary products increased 18.8% and that of fuels 5.8% over one year, while those of agricultural products (MOA) 5.6% and those of industrial origin (MOI) decreased by 2.3%.

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Imports in April were down $ 1,928 million from the same month a year earlier, resulting in a 3.5% drop in prices and a 29.1% reduction in quantities. Purchases overseas equipment goods fell 42.3%; those of intermediate goods, 17.1%; those of fuels and lubricants 7.3%; those of parts and accessories for capital goods, 28.2%; those of consumer goods, 35.2% and those of pbadenger cars, 69.7%.

In April, the main trading partners They were Brazil, China and the United States.

Exports to Brazil reached $ 889 million out of a total of 1.063 million sales at Mercosur and imports from this group of customs reached $ 952 million out of a total of 1.186 million sales.

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Argentina maintains trade deficit with Mercosur of $ 315 million and the largest is the one that is maintained with China of 1,683 million, followed by NAFTA (United States, Canada and Mexico) of 774 million and the European Union with 746 million of the same change.

Instead, the country has trade surplus in trade with Asian countries of ASEAN for 991 million and with the African countries grouped in the MAGREB for 962 million dollars.

The commercial surplus of shelterThis was the product of increased exports and declining imports, with a surplus of $ 1,131 million, the second highest in the first quarter, and far exceeds the deficit of $ 887 million the same month of the previous year.

Within four months, the balance positive foreign trade In the fourth quarter, it reached $ 3,147 million, exceeding the deficit of $ 3,259 million in April of the previous year.



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