Apud: If these protections do not jump, the damage can be very important


"Still unclear, it's very difficult to arrive"says Apud in statements to this media. Likewise, he felt that it was very likely that an external factor caused the connection between Yacyretá and Salto Grande to be cut off, which led to the closure of the system to avoid significant damage to the network. . "I would play for this possibility, even if nothing should be excluded," he added.

Apud, clarified: "These systems have protective systems, like in a house, I suspect something like that happened here". In the meantime, he recalled that a similar situation had already been experienced in New York and California.

"Normally teams fail in extreme situations and that's not the case, I think it was fatal, but the protection system worked well," he said. In addition, he highlighted the work done by the government in the electrical system in recent years.

Who was also voiced via Twitter about the historic power blackout was also the former secretary Jorge Lapeña:

"The power failure in the n / electric system is very serious and very unusual.It is very unlikely but it is possible.There are precedents in Argentina (LAT Chocon-GBA 1973) and in the world (New York 1985) .The failure has occurred in the most reliable part of the system.This can happen to anybody.That said, I think that it It is essential that the Secretary of the Energy Government and the Transener and Cammesa companies present a good joint statement to explain the phenomenon in a clear and transparent manner, so that the subject is not subject to false conjectures ", a- he writes in two tweets.


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