Aquatic creature with turtle body and snake head provoked panic in China


The daily life of the people of Guangzhou, a vast port city northwest of Hong Kong, has been interrupted by appearance of a strange aquatic creature. The surprise was such that the local authorities urged the population not to swim in the lake where the unknown animal appeared until investigations determine which species it is.

The creature was captured for the first time on February 9th. When he peeked at the surface of the water in Baiyun Lake He had a turtle appearancebut when he pulled his head, he panicked: It looked like a deformed snake.

The strange creature has leaned to the water surface of Baiyun Lake.
The strange creature has leaned to the water surface of Baiyun Lake.

When he noticed the anomaly, one of the rangers took pictures. For its part, Song Yunchang, head of the park's security team, said that although they were aware of their existence, they had never seen it complete. "We had already realized the existence of this strange fish previously, but he had shown very little of his body out of the water, so we had not been able to identify him, "he explained.

The creature has
The creature has "turtle body, snake head".

"The back part looked like a turtle and she was black." Then he showed his head and looks like the head of a snake"he explained.

Researchers are looking to determine the characteristics of the animal.
Researchers are looking to determine the characteristics of the animal.

Some local media have ensured that it was one of a kind species "fierce". For the moment, a team of researchers has moved to the lake to determine the characteristics of the animal.


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