ARA San Juan | They sued four officials for irregularities with a company


November 29, 2018

They are four members of the evaluation committee of the Ministry of Defense, by the prior award, during the call for bids, to a Spanish company that did not meet the requirements.

ARA San Juan

Four members of the evaluation committee of the Department of Defense they were treated by considering them responsible for crimes of violation of the obligations of the public official and abuse of power, following a complaint lodged by irregularities in the prior award of a Spanish company for the search for ARA San Juan submarine.

This was decided by the federal judge Marcelo Martínez De Giorgi and in the resolution, it was suggested that civil servants "They did not apply the law" badigning in advance the Spanish cabinet of the Argentinean businessman Marcelo Devicenzi, which did not meet the requirements set out in the specifications.

In another section of the writing, Martínez De Giorgi He expressed: "They had a perfect knowledge of the regulations in force regarding recruitment and, despite all the obvious inconsistencies presented by the recommended bidder, they continued the process without rejecting the offer."

In this way, they were treated Héctor Horisberger, Marcelo Gustavo Dip, Alfredo García Bastitta Rogelio and Pablo Longhi, of the Evaluation Committee of the Undersecretariat of the Service of Operational Planning and Defense Logistics, for irregularities in pre-arbitration at Igeotest Geosciences and Explorations SL. They have all been applied an embargo of one million pesos.

On June 1, 2018, the four recommended the attribution to the Spaniards by omitting the particular clauses established among the conditions required to access the search for submarines. According to the court's decision, the company could not access the contract.

The contract was intended to provide the underwater search service by means of "Multibeam bathymetry, sonography, magnotometry and visual images to locate and identify the submarine ARA San Juan, submersible ship that had its last contact with the Armada Argentina November 15, 2017 with 44 crew members on board. "

Among the irregularities exposed in the file, figure "The number of the Spanish company Igeotest Geosciences SL pre-judged, does not match the registration number " and "The complainant said that the company's company number was related to the Spanish company SL control and prospecting, which would be disputed since 2017 ".

As a consequence of the omission Horisberger, Dip and García Bastitta (under the direction of Pablo Alberto Longhi), according to the judge, "It was recommended to recruit a company which, in reality, was two different legal entities, as dictated by the National Office of Contracts June 28 this year. "

The ARA San Juan is sunk in international waters that Argentina does not control

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