Archaeological Rescue in Cerro Colorado | News instantly from


The remains were discovered during the excavation of a ditch for the pipeline network, carried out by the Government of Córdoba. Up to now, 20 bodies have been listed, some have been buried on two levels, the highest, about 20 centimeters from the surface.

  The sediment of the pieces is removed with great care. (Agencia Córdoba Cultura) "title =" The sediment of the pieces is removed with great care. (Agencia Córdoba Cultura) "width =" 100% "height =" auto "clbad =" image-landscape_565_318 "/> 
<figcaption> The sediment of the pieces is removed with great care (Agencia Córdoba Cultura) </figcaption></p>
<p> the ditching work was immediately suspended, in accordance with Resolution 181 of the Córdoba Cultura Agency and its regulation of activities in archaeological and paleontological sites.The regulation regulates the guarding and preservation of archaeological and palaeontological heritage that can exist in the territory Its field of application is the Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Province </p>
<p clbad= Unprecedented

Never in the history of archaeological research in Cordoba, such a concentration of skeletal remains was found in the same area, discovered human remains of ancestral cultures but isolated.

Therefore, this discovery indicates that the ha Original bitters have probably used a sediment area for the burial of human beings, that is for funeral use.

 An archaeologist works in the excavation. (Agencia Córdoba Cultura) "title =" An archaeologist works in the excavation. (Agencia Córdoba Cultura) "width =" 100% "height =" auto "clbad =" image-landscape_565_318 "/> 
<figcaption> An archaeologist works in the excavation. (Agencia Córdoba Cultura) </figcaption></p>
<p>  According to the researchers From this observation, many lines of research open up on what were the ancient funerary practices of the peoples who populated the region and valuable genetic information on the original inhabitants. </p>
<p clbad= Sources of research information

the remains will provide information on three lines of research, namely: forensics, radioactive isotopes and genetics.

Regarding forensic studies, will lay information on pathologies, data on age and bad, indications on the usual activities.bodies, and the cause of death Compared to isotopic badysis, it can provide knowledge about food, the origin of these people – if they are born in Cerr or Colorado or were foreigners, in addition to the time they lived. The genetic branch, meanwhile, will provide information on the population, such as the lineages, that is to say, the possible relationship of these peoples with the Guarani, Aymaras, Coyas, Patagonians etc.

Archeology in the School

Luis Tissera, archaeologist of the Directorate of Cultural Heritage who works at the Archaeological Museum of Cerro Colorado, expects the next Science Fair to be held at Luciano Elementary School Arguello (Cerro Colorado) will be dedicated to conveying the importance of this archaeological discovery. The same will happen with the annual fair that takes place at the Ipem Santa Elena Annex School, with an orientation in tourism, located just 11 kilometers from the news site.

Archaeological Museum of the province, with a seat in the Natural Cerro Colorado Cultural Reserve, carries out educational outreach activities for students of the institutions mentioned each year.

Respect Always

Horacio Pereyra, representative of the Native Peoples Zone of the Provincial Corps, appreciates the seriousness in the treatment of the remains found, and highlights the participation of the collectives of the indigenous peoples of the Northern Province , meeting at the Provincial Aboriginal Council.

Every step given by the archaeologists is communicated to the communities of the region and from there is transmitted to the rest of the province, says Pereyra.

  The badysis of the remains will provide information on three areas of investigation: forensic, radioactive isotopes and genetics. (Agencia Córdoba Cultura)

The badysis of the remains will allow us to obtain information on three axes: forensic medicine, radioactive isotopes and genetics. (Agencia Córdoba Cultura)

From our region and the Indigenous Provincial Council, established in 2015, we follow these studies very closely and appreciate the work of the professionals and authorities of the Córdoba Cultura Agency, Pereyra adds. 19659020] The collectives of indigenous peoples formed in the region are Mampasacat, an original Sanavirón community with headquarters in San José de la Dormida, and the Pachauaira community, originally comechingón established in Deán Funes.

 The ditch is dug by hand to avoid possible parts damage. (Agencia Córdoba Cultura)

The trench is dug by hand to avoid damaging parts. (Agencia Córdoba Cultura)

Heritage Care

The President of the Cordoba Córdoba Agency, Nora Bedano, affirmed that the Government of Córdoba preserves the heritage of the province with all the requirements of the law in terms of

In the middle of the city of Cerro Colorado, we find many human remains that could belong to the first inhabitants of the place, confirms the provincial official.

Nora Bedano says that the Córdoba Cultura Agency is in contact with the representatives of the indigenous peoples of the region and with the president of the municipality of Cerro Colorado, Ariel Bustos, thanks to a joint work between the professionals of the construction company and the cultural heritage of the organization.

they told us that we are in contact with remains of much antiquity. His scientific study is of incalculable wealth, said the head of the province of Córdoba Province of Culture

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