Are aliens watching us? Long-awaited UFO report reaches US Congress


Are aliens watching us? The company hopes to get an answer when it reaches Congress next month. United States a report on the government’s secret files on UFO, after years of observations and videos suggesting that there may be very advanced beings.

But the report of the director of national intelligence, in which they meet classified military archives, might not explain dozens of incidents reported for decades involving unidentified flying objects.

While keeping the alien theory open, Pentagon officials make it clear that their real goal is another. They are investigating whether UFOs, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in the language of the US military, represent a real threat to the Earth.

Mystery and expectations

As the filing date approaches, expectations for the report rise despite the fact that only a reduced version of the report will be made publicwhile a more detailed one will remain secret.

A video obtained in April 2020 by the US Department of Defense shows footage that suggests "unidentified aerial phenomena".  Photo: AFP

A video obtained in April 2020 by the US Department of Defense shows images suggesting “unidentified aerial phenomena”. Photo: AFP

The CBS newscast “60 Minutes” interviewed US Navy pilots who said they saw craft that flew faster and were more agile than any other show before.

Officials with access to classified information investigated the mystery.

“What is true, and in fact I think so, is that there are images and recordings of objects in the sky that we don’t know exactly what they are,” the former said. President Barack Obama on “The Late Late Show” September 17th. May.

“There are many more sightings than those that have been made public,” said John Ratcliffe, who was director of national intelligence for the last eight months of the Donald Trump administration, in Fox news in March.

“There are cases where we have no explanation for some of the things that we have seen,” he added.

Last year, the US Department of Defense released three videos black and white engraved by Navy pilots in which UFOs appear to be seen.

John Ratcliffe, former director of US national intelligence, spoke about the UFO mystery.  Photo: AP

John Ratcliffe, former director of US national intelligence, spoke about the UFO mystery. Photo: AP

The pilots express their astonishment at what they see and offer no explanation.

Technological war?

For the department, however, it is not about foreigners, but about technical teams created by American rivals who were unknown to the pilots.

In August, the Pentagon has formed a task force “to detect, analyze and catalog NAPs that could pose a threat to US national security. “

But the army does not want to reveal the results of its internal investigations because it hopes protect your own activities, as well as your technology and intelligence.

If the PANs are from a potential adversary, the task force is unwilling to provide information to avoid giving details of what is known or unknown, a Pentagon official said.

This leaves many “unexplained” incidents, at least for the public.

The former President of the United States.  Barack Obama, spoke about the mystery of unidentified flying objects on a television show.  Photo: AFP

The former President of the United States. Barack Obama, spoke about the mystery of unidentified flying objects on a television show. Photo: AFP

Drones and balloons

However, officials said that many UFO sightings may in fact be objects that increasingly clutter the airspace: weather balloons, metallic party balloons, amateur and professional drones.

Additionally, many variables affect what pilots think they see: their own speed, glare from the sun, weather, and other circumstances.

A pilot flying over the ocean might think that an object is moving at an extreme speed and in fact is moving as slowly as a car.

In addition, observations could also come from the Pentagon’s own classified experiments and prototypes.

“The Defense Department takes reports of incursions into our airspace – by any aircraft, identified or not – very seriously and investigating each one of them,” said Sue Gough, spokesperson for this portfolio.

“By collecting additional data, we hope to bridge the gap between the identified and the unidentified and avoid strategic surprises regarding the adversary’s technology,” he added.

Eyes on China and Russia

The concern is that some of the incidents relate to technology that the United States does not have, but that either China or Russia does.

“If someone is trying to identify how we train and how we fight, that gives them an advantage,” the Pentagon official said.

Luis Elizondo, who worked at the Pentagon investigating UFOs, told ABC News’ “This Week” Sunday that some of the objects that have been sighted “may surpass anything we have.

“We know that everything in our skies is real. The question is, what is it?” “At the end of the day, we just don’t know.”

Source: AFP


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