Are the top 10 universities in the United States and how much they cost per year – 14/03/2019


In "A singular father," Ben Stiller plays a father driven by the crisis of the Middle Ages. He is frustrated with his rich friends, questioned by owners of mansions, yachts and convertibles, with children studying in the best universities in the United States, something that for economic reasons he can not do with his. Situation that plunges even more into his failure. But the fictional director does not want to bribe, enter negotiations or scams like his friends.

"A singular potato". The question of the high cost of American universities has been addressed in this exceptional film starring Ben Stiller.

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… and like Hollywood celebrities involved in the scandal of paying bribes to universities. The question exploded this week when, after an investigation by the US federal authorities, it was confirmed that since 2011, dozens of parents paid a fortune to bring their children to the most prestigious universities of the country, whereas by legal means they had not realized

Among the people involved are two actresses: Lori Loughlin, known for her participation in the sitcom Full houseand Felicity Huffman, from the series Desperate Housewiveswith her husband, the famous William H. Macy. All accused of fraud for paying very high sums so that their children can study in major schools.

The University of Southern California is one of those that would be involved in a huge bribery scandal all over the country. EFE / ETIENNE LAURENT

The University of Southern California is one of those who would be involved in a huge bribery scandal across the territory of the country as a whole. EFE / ETIENNE LAURENT

We know how expensive it is to study in the world's most reputable universities, most of them in the United States or Great Britain, according to the latest published international rankings. The cost of university fees in these institutions varies between $ 40,000 and $ 50,000 a year..

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The British consulting firm QS, which develops every year one of the rankings of the most prestigious universities, placed on the podium in 2019 Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology first, followed by Stanford University and Harvard in third place.

Then, the ten best universities in the United States and the cost of annual studies in each of these houses of study:

1- Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology. Located in the city of Cambridge, Mbadachusetts, this important teaching center from which 78 Nobel laureates come from is one of the most prestigious business schools on the planet. It has nearly 10,000 students enrolled, of whom 8% are foreigners from 82 countries. Studying here costs between $ 48,000 and $ 50,000.

2- Stanford University. Located in the city of Stanford, California, it has over 17,000 registered students, of which approximately 5% are international students from 64 countries. It offers various academic programs among which the sciences of the Earth, education, engineering, human sciences, law and medicine are put forward. 81 students won the Nobel Prize. Studying here costs between $ 46,000 and $ 48,000.

The Argentine student Martina Inés Aenlle is part of the prestigious academic institution.

The Argentine student Martina Inés Aenlle is part of the prestigious academic institution.

3- Harvard University. Located in the city of Cambridge, Mbadachusetts, one of the most recognized universities in the world is a member of the Ivy League, a prestigious university badociation to which the most exclusive members belong. They study about 17,000 students and their teachers are known around the world. It is here that 157 Nobel laureates were born and stand out through its MBA program (Master in Business Administration). Study here shore of 45,000 dollars.

4. California Institute of Technology. Located in the city of Pasadena, in the state of California, this institution, which has received 72 Nobel specialties in technological studies, has 353 university faculties, the most important of which are: Biology, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Engineering and Science applied, geology, human and social sciences. He has about 2,000 students. Studying here represents an investment of 60 000 dollars.

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5. University of Chicago. Located in Chicago, Illinois, it is the fifth best in the United States, but ranks ninth in the world. The former President of the United States, Barack Obama, has been a professor and professor at the university for 12 years. He currently resides near the campus of the University at Hyde Park. Studying here costs between $ 50,000 and $ 52,000.

6- Princeton University. Located in Princeton, New Jersey State, founded in 1746, she is currently the largest private university in the United States and a member of the Ivy League. It is the sixth of the country but the thirteenth in the world list. Its large library stands out with more than 5 million books. The University of Princenton offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the humanities, art, architecture, natural sciences, engineering and applied sciences. Study here It costs between $ 35,000 and $ 40,000 a year.

7- Cornell University. It is located in Ithaca, New York, and has two other campuses, one in New York and the other in Doha. The student population sits at 21,904, being the Ivy League's largest student university, besides being known as "the most diverse." It is the 14th university according to the QR clbadification. Cornell produces the largest number of PhDs that any other university. 56 students from this house received the Nobel Prize. It costs between $ 50,000 and $ 52,000.

Yale From this imposing house of study, home to 11,000 students, 76 Nobel Prizes have been awarded.

Yale From this imposing house of study, home to 11,000 students, 76 Nobel Prizes have been awarded.

8- Yale University. Located in the city of New Haven, in the state of Connecticut, this prestigious university (the 15th in the world) has 11,000 registered students, of which 6% are foreigners from 74 countries. From there came 76 Nobel Prizes. He emphasizes in particular his MBA program (Master in Business Administration). It offers the following professional schools: architecture, art, theology, music, theater, environmental studies, law, management, medicine, epidemiology, public health and nursing. Study here it costs between $ 50,000 and $ 52,000.

Salvador Moncayo Von Hase, an Argentine from Columbia University.

Salvador Moncayo Von Hase, an Argentine from Columbia University.

9- Columbia University. Located in Manhattan, New York City, it offers undergraduate, postgraduate and special programs as well as continuing education programs in the following areas: Planning, Arts, Commerce, Engineering and Applied Sciences, journalism, law, public health and work. Social, Management, Languages, Anthropology History, Archeology, Visual Arts and more. Among the university's alumni, there are nine Supreme Court justices, 20 living billionaires, 26 Oscar winners and 29 heads of state. Study here It costs between $ 55,000 and $ 60,000.

10. University of Pennsylvania. Located in the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, it has about 10,000 registered students. It has more than 3,000 academic programs, the major ones being arts and sciences, communications, engineering and applied sciences, fine arts, law, medicine, nursing, social work and more. . This university has trained 30 Nobel laureates, 169 Guggenheim Fellowships and 80 members of the Academy of Arts and Sciences. Study here It costs between $ 52,000 and $ 54,000.


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