“Are those who made their brothers pay illicit money also prosecuted?” : Vicente Fox slammed video of AMLO’s brother


Photo: Twitter / @lopezobrador_ / @VicenteFoxQue
Photo: Twitter / @lopezobrador_ / @VicenteFoxQue

This Friday, the former president Vicente Renard wondered if “those who made their brothers pay to receive illicit money” will also be prosecuted, after journalist Carlos Loret de Mola published a video in which Martín Jesús López Obrador, younger brother of the president, appears to receive 150,000 pesos in cash from the hands of David Leon, former coordinator of Civil Protection.

Via your account TwitterFox Quesada pointed out: “One question, are those who charge their siblings to receive illicit money also prosecuted?”

After the video was released, several opposition politicians reacted on their social media accounts by questioning the actions of the president’s brother, as they would represent acts of corruption, precisely the activity the president says he wants. eradicate.

According to what the journalist said, the video corresponds to 2015, when Morena – a political party founded by Andrés Manuel López Obrador – had its first electoral participation as a party. Thus, it is presumed that this money was used in campaigns, without being reported to the National Electoral Institute (INE), by committing an “electoral crime”.

In the recording, made at the home of the political operator at the time of the former governor of Chiapas, Manuel Velasco, located in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, we can hear:

– “This is my savings.” I will give it to you and I will write it down “said David Leon.

– “No boyfriend. We expect that”Martín López replied.

The dialogue would confirm that periodically they received a sum of money, corresponding to a larger sum. On this occasion, Martín Jesús received 150,000 pesos in cash.

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Photo credit: Alejandro Cegarra / Bloomberg
Photo credit: Alejandro Cegarra / Bloomberg

This morning the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured that the broadcast of the video only seeks to harm himBut he insisted that if one of his relatives has committed a crime and the evidence is available, the corresponding complaint should be filed.

Asked by a journalist about the existence of this new recording, López Obrador stressed that everything revolves around “a black campaign” of his opponents, but – he stressed – “we have always come out of slander unscathed”.

“I think the intention is to hurt me or to try to hurt me, this is the usual black campaign of my opponents, we are already used to that, but we also always came out unscathed. slander. This video from yesterday matches other videos from other eras, I understand this is even a personal matter and they are making it a political affair. From the information on this new video, it was about of a personal agreement between David and my brother, however they get attached, they come together to show that it is money for the campaign, public money, money for me, which is not true, it’s that simple, he stressed.

During his morning conference on Friday, the chief executive reiterated that in the event that a family member commits a crime, he must be tried.

“This is also why if a brother, a brother-in-law, a cousin, a daughter-in-law, any relative, and also I have already said it since I took my functions, commits a crime, they must be judged, there should be no impunity. It took us a long time to get to the presidency, it was the effort of several generations, the suffering of many people, many even lost their lives to get to the government and that our opponents do not understand, and do similarly, it is, stealing, lying, betraying people … well no, we come so that things really change and it is not a question of family, friends or colleagues. They may have been comrades in the struggle for many years, but they relax, they spoil … the law, without regard … you cannot fail the people “, he concluded.


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