Argentina abstained from voting on OAS resolution that ignores Venezuela elections


With Argentina’s abstention, the Organization of American States (OAS) rejected this Wednesday the legislative elections of the weekend in Venezuela, boycotted by the opposition and criticized by the United States, the European Union and several Latin American countries. The initiative accuses the Nicolás Maduro’s “Illegitimate Regime” consolidate a “dictatorship“.

With this resolution, the OAS joins the various manifestations of the international community which have rejected these elections as fraudulent. “The elections were made with a clear objective to eliminate the only legitimate and democratically elected institution in Venezuela ”, indicates the resolution with reference to the National Assembly.

The initiative, promoted among others by Brazil, the United States and Colombia, was approved by a vote in favor of 21 of the 34 active member countries of the OAS (Cuba is part of the organization but does not has not participated since 1962) and among those who presented Venezuela, represented in the forum by an envoy of the opposition leader Juan Guaidó.

The resolution, which was voted on in a virtual session, received five abstentions and two votes against, while six countries were absent. Argentina, which generally aligns itself with Mexico in this continental body, this time abstained, while the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador spoke out against the initiative with Bolivia.

At the last moment, Argentina decided to break away from Mexico, which, despite having assessed the abstention, finally decided to vote against.

The Argentine decision was expressed virtually by the ambassador to the organization Carlos Raimundi and this corresponded to Alberto Fernández’s official silence on the Venezuelan elections. In fact, the government on Tuesday refused to sign a statement released by the International Contact Group on Venezuela, saying it was not aware of Sunday’s elections. Argentina joined this group four months ago because the Fernández administration does not feel comfortable within the Lima group, which our country joined under the administration of Mauricio Macri.

The question of Venezuela is very sensitive in Argentina’s relations with the United States, which regards the Venezuelan regime as a dictatorship and seeks to monopolize it through economic sanctions and international pressure. Abstention (instead of voting against) is interpreted in Washington as a way of not openly contesting this link, especially at a time when the loan is negotiated with the International Monetary Fund, an organization where the weight of the United States is fundamental. At present, a delegation from the Department of the Economy in the US capital is negotiating with the Fund.

In justifying the Argentine vote, Raimundi stressed that “Argentina reaffirms its attachment to dialogue between all actors in the search for a peaceful and political solution” in Venezuela. And that the country “reiterates its position on the importance of the electoral process to advance in the necessary renewal of the institutions in order to lead to full democracy, the validity of human rights, the recovery of the Venezuelan economy and the well-being of its people ”.

He added that “Argentina is convinced that it is not possible from abroad to ignore the will expressed by those who attended the electoral act. Nor to dictate the conditions of the electoral process without contributing, worse still, to encourage their boycott ”.

“The policy of sanctions and non-recognition has come to nothing and that deserves careful consideration. At the same time, the Venezuelan government must recognize that a democracy is complete when the majority of its people feel committed to it and are primarily responsible for a positive dialogue so that our Venezuelan brothers can find the best way to resolve their issues. problems.

Raimundi concluded with a criticism of the organization: “We regret that the OAS has not been able to move forward. strengthen the democratic process in Venezuela for which the draft resolution under consideration adds nothing ”.

In favor of the resolution, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, the United States, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay , Peru, the Dominican Republic, Saint Lucia, Venezuela, the Bahamas and Brazil voted. and Uruguay. Mexico and Bolivia demonstrated against them. Saint Kitts and Nevis, Suriname, Argentina, Barbados and Belize abstained, while Dominica, Grenada, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Antigua and Barbuda were absent.

In a controversial election on Sunday, the alliance of parties that support Nicolás Maduro, whose government is not recognized by more than 50 countries, including the United States, won in Venezuela. The opposition – which so far had a majority in the National Assembly called for abstention and there was only a 30% turnout from the list, when opposition forces denounced than he only went to the polls 20%.

The resolution approved on Wednesday indicates that the elections “lacked transparency” because there was a ban on political forces, they did not have the independence of electoral authorities or independent observers. He states that the elections were not “free or fair in accordance with the conditions established by international law”, in a context where political prisoners have not been released and there is a “lack of independence of the electoral authority “.

What the resolution says

The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States decides:

1. Refuse the fraudulent elections organized in Venezuela on December 6, 2020 and not to recognize its results, for not having been free or fair in accordance with the conditions established by international law; for lack of impartiality and transparency; for not having had the participation of all political actors and citizens; for not having released the political prisoners; due to the lack of independence of the electoral authority; and for not having had an independent and credible international election observation.

2. Condemn, in the strongest terms, the coherent and deliberate strategy of the illegitimate regime of Nicolás Maduro de undermine the democratic system and the separation of powers, including the establishment of a non-democratically elected entity resulting from the fraudulent elections of December 6, consolidating Venezuela into a dictatorship.

3. Urgently appeal for the protection and physical safety of democratically elected members of the National Assembly to be guaranteed and for the safe return of opposition members who are in exile.

4. Make a call for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Venezuela and the end of the continued political persecution.

5. Manifesto solidarity with the Venezuelan people and strong support for the persistent and widespread efforts of democratic actors in Venezuela, in particular political parties and civil society, to restore democracy in the country.

6. Repeat the call to convene, as soon as possible, presidential elections and free, fair, transparent and legitimate parliamentarians, with independent and credible international election observation, as part of a transition process leading to the appointment of a democratically elected government and in accordance with the will of the Venezuelan people and the Venezuelan constitution.

seven. Urge all member states and invite the permanent observers of the Organization of American States to support the Venezuelan people in their efforts to restore democratic order in Venezuela, by adopting diplomatic, political, economic and financial measures aimed at achieving this to a peaceful solution to the situation in Venezuela.

8. Demand full access to the international community to enable the delivery of assistance to the most vulnerable populations affected by the crisis in Venezuela, in accordance with recognized humanitarian principles and international law.


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