Argentina, among the 7 countries with the highest tourism growth



These data are known in the context of theInternational Exhibition of Tourism of Latin America (FIT) which lasts since Saturday in La rural. It is an event that is already in its 24th edition, but this year has a peculiarity: the number of participating countries is record. Representatives from 52 nations will be present at the exhibition, which shows the interest that the country arouses for tourism.

"In recent years, tourism development has allowed for exponential growth in the short term. The basis of this phenomenon is the improvement of connectivity, the creation of conditions with concrete measures and the development and improvement of the offer in general " pointed to Financial field Gustavo Santos, Secretary of Tourism of the nation.

Between January and August, 4.8 million tourists arrived in the country. About 40% made it by plane, 40% arrived by land and the rest arrived by boat. Over the last four years, 9 new airlines have started operating and of the 16 already existing, all have added routes to their services, which has allowed for a 29% growth in seat supply, which equates to 2.1 million squares

According to data known until August, 35 months of positive change in the number of cabotage flights have been filled. In 2019, the number of travelers rose to 10,568,000, or 16% more than last year for the same period and 63% compared to 2015. It is estimated that the end of year will exceed 15.5 million. More than half will be transported by Aerolineas Argentina.

According to data from the Central Bank, the tourism sector has recorded a deficit of about 5 billion US dollars in the last 12 months. At this point, it should be noted that this article includes all purchases made by Argentineans abroad by credit card, whether tourism goods or other types of goods. Even though it is still high, it is half as much as in 2018. The devaluation and the increase in the arrival of foreign tourists have helped to reduce the red of the balance.

Tourism activity "generates $ 15 billion in revenue per year" thanks to the movement "of some 15 million tourists" across the country, Santos said. He pointed out that "up to August this year, 6,900,000 foreign tourists have entered the country and that by the end of the year, this figure will reach 8,000,000, a record number ", pointing out that" during this period "there were about 7,000,000 local visitors in the country". Argentine destinations ".

The official pointed out that "About 11,300,000 tourists have traveled during this year's long weekends" and said the growth of tourism activity "is related to the improvement of air connectivity, to the point of view of tourism. opening up to the world and promoted programs so that Argentines cross Argentina. "

"The improvement of air connectivity is reflected in the arrival of new airlines and in opening up to the world with the conclusion of visa agreements with 75 countries, the refund of VAT to foreign tourists and the participation in 133 international fairs 370 million people watched Argentine content, "he added.


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