Argentina and six countries in the region support Moreno against "any attempt at destabilization"


The Government of Argentina has partnered with those of Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Paraguay and Peru to express their support for President Lenin Moreno of Ecuador against "any attempt to destabilize" against "democratic regimes" in the region, in response to the political crisis in the country.

These seven countries expressed "their strong support for the actions undertaken by the President, Lenín Moreno, to restore peace, institutional and order, using the instruments granted by the Constitution and the law, as he has done it since ".

In addition, the seven governments condemned "the events of public order corruption that occurred in recent days in the sister Republic of Ecuador", expressing their "categorical rejection of any destabilizing attempt" democratic regimes legitimately constituted ".

specifically "They reject any action aimed at destabilizing our democracies by Nicolás Maduro's regime and those who seek to extend their government's guidelines to work threatening the democratic countries of the region, "they said.

The countries that have signed this communiqué, distributed by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, constitute the hard core of the Lima Group, created in 2017 to denounce the political, economic and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, which they directly accuse Maduro and his allies.

For its part, the Paraguayan Foreign Ministry claimed that all the countries mentioned rejected "any action aimed at destabilizing our democracies by the Nicolás Maduro regime and those seeking to extend the principles of their government to worrying democratic countries of the region. "

Moreno himself directly accused President Rafael Correa – his former ally, today asylum seeker in Belgium – and the Venezuelan president intends to carry out a "coup d'etat". State "against his government. "The cutters are them," replied Correa.

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In parallel, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Government of Mauricio Macri issued a statement in which "before the events of political and social instability", declares his "Strong support for the validity of the good state and the democratic order in this country under the leadership of President Lenín Moreno Garcés, supporting his call for a fraternal and sincere dialogue that helps restore peace and order. "

The economic reform announced by Moreno on October 1, resulting from an agreement with the IMF, triggered the worst demonstrations of recent years in Ecuador. One person died, dozens were injured and about 600 were arrested. The president declared the state of emergency and transferred executive power from Quito to Guayaquil, while protesters are concentrated in the capital, all over the country.

In this context, the United Nations system in Ecuador transferred Monday to the Moreno executive "its willingness to accompany the search for agreements favorable to society as a whole," mediation offer that the government accepted Tuesday to promote "the return to social peace and understanding in the country".



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