Argentina and Vietnam have signed new trade agreements and Macri has fulfilled its promise


On the first day of his visit to this Asian country, Macri told Hanoi that he had "high expectations" of "Increase trade between the two countries and consolidate the market for products already in progress."

Macri made the remarks at the end of a meeting he had in the Vietnamese capital with Nguyen, as part of the official visit that began today in this country and was who also drove to India. At the meeting, the delegations of both countries confirmed the approval of the reciprocal exchange of four products which, in the case of Argentina, are citrus fruits. The Vietnamese president confirmed the entry of oranges, grapefruit and tangerines, while the purchase of lemons was already accepted. "

Macri noted in this context "the interest of Argentine producers for the export of pork, embryos, sperm, equines and cattle on foot," he said. fish oil, frozen beef, cherries, blueberries, tomato seeds, soybean meal and milk ". powder "and says: "Vietnam needs more and more food and we want to help produce it."

In addition, Macri has expressed interest in the participation of Vietnamese technology companies in the upcoming call for proposals in the field of communication and invited Nguyen to visit Argentina. The President recalled that when he was at the helm of the Government of Buenos Aires went to Vietnam and promised to "come back as president" in order to deepen relations "between the two peoples.

For his part, Nguyen said that Argentina "is a very important partner in America" ​​and emphasized his expectations with regard to the increase and diversification of product exchanges between the two. country. "

The Vietnamese president asked the Argentine authorities to study the possibility of approving the entry of household appliances, ceramics and seafood as other commercial options. "This is the first meeting of our lunar year and we hope it will be a success, it will be a year of luck for both countries. " said the president of the country which is the fifth largest trading partner and the second largest market of Argentina in Asia.

At the same time, the Argentinean and Vietnamese committees signed cooperation agreements to identify the remnants of martyrs of war and exchanges between ministries of culture, as well as a protocol of agreement between the system federal media and public content and the federal system. Voice of Vietnam.

In statements to the media after the hearing with Ngyuyen, Macri badured that the "working together" between governments and the private sector will be "essential" for "Promote exports and stimulate the growth of foreign direct investment in strategic sectors, especially in the agri-food sector".

"We want to join our badociation as soon as possible"said the Argentine president and added that, to achieve this goal, he traveled accompanied by officials of the portfolios of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture and Technology, as well as members of Congress "huge vocation to deepen relations between the two countries".


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