Argentina assumed the presidency of the Executive Committee of the Pan American Health Organization


Argentina's Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, at the 169th session of the PAHO Executive Committee (Photo: Argentine Ministry of Health)
Argentina’s Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, at the 169th session of the PAHO Executive Committee (Photo: Argentine Ministry of Health)

Within the framework of 169th session of the Executive Committee of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Argentinian Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, assumed the presidency of the Committee for the period 2021-2022, representing Argentina, while Mexico will take over the vice-presidency and Suriname will act as rapporteur..

We must be able to build concrete, consensual and coordinated actions to end this pandemic and prevent the next health emergencies, by guaranteeing equitable access to drugs and vaccines in order to promote the effective enjoyment of the right to health and to build a healthier world and a fairer worldVizzotti said at the time of his appointment.

After thanking the choice of the country, the minister underlined the immense challenges posed by the pandemic and urged “the expansion of regional production and the reduction of gaps in access to strategic inputs”.

Argentina assumed the presidency, while Mexico held the vice-presidency and Suriname the rapporteur (Photo: Argentine Ministry of Health)
Argentina assumed the presidency, while Mexico held the vice-presidency and Suriname the rapporteur (Photo: Argentine Ministry of Health)

In her capacity as President of the Executive Committee, The official noted that “we continue to bet on a solid multilateralism which involves collaboration, cooperation, active participation of our governments, industry, international organizations and civil society”..

For her part, the Director of PAHO, Carissa Etienne, welcomed the new president and He underlined the enormous importance of the Executive Committee within the organ because “it is the organ which supervises the administrative and financial functions of the Organization so that the objectives are achieved, and also makes important recommendations to the organization. Risk Management Secretariat ”.

PAHO’s Executive Committee meets twice a year and it functions as a working group of the Pan American Sanitary Conference or the Directing Council. It is composed of nine Member States elected by the Conference or the Council for staggered terms of three years.

PAHO Director Carissa Etienne welcomed the new President (EFE / Raúl Martínez)
PAHO Director Carissa Etienne welcomed the new President (EFE / Raúl Martínez)

Currently, the Member States of the Executive Committee are Argentina, Bolivia, Jamaica (2021-2024); Costa Rica, Haiti, Mexico (2019-2022); Brazil, Cuba and Suriname (2020-2023).

The Pan American Health Organization has a health program for the Americas, approved by the member states, which guides the approach of the aspects of the highest priority to improve the health conditions of the population.. For Argentina, this program is implemented through various technical cooperation actions with the aim, among other things, of achieving the objectives of sustainable development, reducing inequitable disparities in health, addressing the determinants social health and strengthen provincial health systems, giving priority to Primary Health Care and inclusion of health in all policies.


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