Argentina before the United Nations: Maduro can manipulate dialogue initiatives


January 26, 2019
– 20:01

The Argentine ambbadador to the organization, Martín García Moritán, ratified the government's decision to recognize the president of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, as "president in charge of Venezuela".

This Saturday, as part of the emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council convened by the United States to address the political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, the ambbadador of Argentina to l & # 39; agency Martín García Moritán, ratified the government's decision to recognize the incumbent of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, as "president in charge of Venezuela".

"At that time, several international actors have again proposed dialogue initiatives to overcome this crisis." Argentina is always committed to dialogue, but to be conducive, dialogue requires the good faith of the parties involved. Argentina allows to recall that the process of dialogue of Santo Domingo failed because of Maduro's lack of real dialogue will ", complained the diplomat.


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In this sense, he warned "the risk that dialogue initiatives promoted in good faith by international actors may be manipulated by the Maduro regime, turning them into delaying tactics".

García Maritán finally concluded: "The United Nations and its Member States must provide their support to facilitate the peaceful transition to free, democratic and transparent elections, and as soon as possible." the only possible way is the serious political, economic and humanitarian crisis that has been going on for far too long in Venezuela ".


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