Argentina faces corporate and bondholder lawsuits for more than US $ 5,200 million


New convictions and lawsuits against Argentina are added to the maneuvers of the Kirchner administration. The faces of the state trial for $ 5,231 million by claims of foreign companies and bondholders, fault 17 years ago and from expropriations and reestations companies in previous administrations.

In recent weeks, two new setbacks for the country have been added. ICSID, the World Bank's mediation tribunal, has rejected an appeal by the executive to overturn the decision condemning the country to pay in 2017 320.7 million USD by the expropriation of the airlines in 2008. In addition, Metlife and NN Group, two former AFJP, also sued the state in the ICSID tribunal for renationalization of the pension system, also this year -the. Both claims reach certain $ 944 million.

Foreign companies that have made claims against Argentina have trial with a final judgment of 841 million US dollars, in addition to ongoing processes for US $ 1,571 million. This ominous scenario should include the lawsuit initiated by the Buford and Eaton Funds 1.637 billion USD, as a result of the expropriation of YPF.

In addition to the presentations of bondholders who did not conclude the 2005 and 2010 swaps, $ 1,100 million. This year too, the vulture Aurelius fund has been referred to US courts to make a ruling on Argentina. Claim $ 82 million for an unpaid balance of coupons tied to GDP, a type of loan instrument that distributed dividends to investors as economic growth progressed.

In summary: Argentina will only have to pay US $ 841 million for claims by private companies, while non-judgmental proceedings will yield US $ 3,207 million. Claims for the cessation of sovereign debt payments amount to US $ 1,183 million, which is added to the US $ 5,231 million YPF lawsuit, a slogan Clarin.

The government has paid more than US $ 25 billion to companies and bondholders who have submitted claims to the state. Cristina Kirchner's management received US $ 5.427 million for private companies.

At the beginning of the administration of Mauricio Macri, 9,300 million US dollars were paid to vulture funds, while next year the cancellation of debt with the Paris Club will be completed. As expected, Argentina still has 1 billion 900 million dollars.


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