Argentina has been recognized as the country with the most talent in technology worldwide – 04/12/2019


Argentina has been recognized as the country with greatest talent in technology globally, according to a study by the Coursera digital education platform.

The Global Skills Index report, conducted since 2012 and evaluating the activity and performance of users in 60 countries in the university training and qualification system, takes as a reference the performance of industries in the categories Business, Technology and Data Science.

The study reflects the achievements of Argentina in technology.

The study reflects the achievements of Argentina in technology.

In technology, Argentina won first place, followed by four European powers in the category: Czech Republic, Austria, Spain and Poland.

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"Argentina is at the forefront of technology in both the region and the world, driven by a particularly strong performance in software engineering and operating systems, and far exceeds all of its neighbors. ", says the international study. He adds: "This reflects the strong technology community and the government's knowledge of technology, as well as its ambitious goal of being the center of the fourth industrial revolution."

Argentina, at the top of the world rankings.

Argentina, at the top of the world rankings.

In other areas, the country has also achieved good results. In business, he was in 25th place, while he was ranked 22nd in scientific data. The leaders in these regions were Finland and Israel respectively.

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"This report comes at a critical time, as the fourth industrial revolution of automation and artificial intelligence is transforming the world of work." Technology is advancing faster than humans can. The skills needed for most jobs are changing rapidly, which represents a real challenge for careers, businesses and countries guiding them, "said Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO of Coursera.


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